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341 – 360 of 492 results

Evaluating Local General Equilibrium Impacts of Lesotho’s Child Grants Programme


This report presents findings from a local economy-wide impact evaluation (LEWIE) of Lesotho’s Child Grants Programme. Simulations indicate that total income impacts significantly exceed the amounts transferred under the programme: each loti transferred stimulates local nominal income gains of up to...


Cash-for-shelter pilot findings in CRS’s Typhoon Haiyan Response


In order to explore possible strategies for shelter assistance that would also benefit local markets, a cash transfer pilot study was conducted in which beneficiaries received cash to purchase shelter materials and to hire labourers. CRS promoted disaster-resilient construction techniques and employed a...


Training Report – Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA): Focused on WASH


Emergency Market Mapping Analysis (EMMA) is a toolkit guidance manual for humanitarian staff in sudden-onset emergencies which aims to improve emergency responses by encouraging and assisting relief agencies to better understand, support and make use of local market-systems in disaster zones. EMMA offers...


Economic Impact Study: Direct and Indirect Effects of the WFP Value-Based Food Voucher Programme in Lebanon


This study examines the direct and indirect impacts of WFP’s e-card programme on the Lebanese economy. It is part of a broader United Nations initiative to assess the economic impacts of humanitarian assistance in Lebanon. The e-card programme is an important element of the international humanitarian...


Rapid Assessment for Markets (RAM) – Guidelines for an initial emergency market assessment

Guidelines and Tools

In today’s world, people’s livelihoods depend to a significant extent on markets. Sudden shocks can severely limit how markets function and, as a result, drastically reduce people’s access to essential commodities. This International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement publication is designed to...


Market Analysis Guidance (MAG)


The Market Analysis Guidance (MAG) suggests processes and tools aimed at integrating market analysis into the different phases of the project cycle, taking the existing Red Cross and Red Crescent (RC/RC) Movement’s technical documents into account whenever possible. The MAG was commissioned and...


Poster – Rapid Assessment for Market (RAM)

Guidelines and Tools

This poster provides a basic understanding of the capacity of selected markets to provide people with key commodities in the immediate aftermath of a sudden shock. It is an instrument allowing humanitarian practitioners with limited market expertise and time to develop a rapid and basic understanding of...


The Price Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Transfers


This paper examines the effect of cash versus in-kind transfers on local prices. Both types of transfers increase the demand for normal goods; in-kind transfers also increase supply in recipient communities, which should cause prices to fall relative to cash transfers. We test and confirm this prediction...


The Economic Impact of Ebola: Monitoring the Impact of Potential Transport Disruptions on Traders, Food Availability, and Market Prices


Uncertainty about the exchange rate, restrictions on shipping routes, reduced activity by informal traders fearing infection from Ebola and the cordon imposed around Kenema and Kailahun has the potential to interrupt the trade of basic commodities across the country. We therefore collected data on food...


Le CALP Network Formation Niveau 2 – Module 2 – Évaluation et faisabilité des TM

Guides et outils

La formation niveau 2 a été développée comme une formation approfondie pour les personnes qui ont déjà de l’expérience avec les programmes utilisant les transferts monétaires (en espèces et / ou les bons d’achat) : les responsables programmes / projets de tous secteurs (sécurité...


The CALP Network Level 2 Training – Module 2 – When to use cash transfers?

Guidelines and Tools

The objective of the Level 2 training is to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors in cash transfer programme design and implementation, to share recent research and learning, and encourage advocacy, institutionalisation and coordination in cash transfer programming (CTP). This training follows...


The Supply Chain in Cash and Voucher Programmes


This video explains how supply chains play a critical role in cash and markets based humanitarian programmes. Everything we do in a crisis has an impact on local markets; cash and voucher based assistance only works when we monitor markets and maintain our own supply chain for when it’s needed.


Travailler avec les banques: un guide pratique de négotiation

Guides et outils

Ce mini-guide donne des conseils pratiques sur comment négotier et travallier avec les banques pour la planification et mise en oeuvre des programmes de transferts monétaires en urgence.


L’analyse de marché en situation d’urgence


Malgré la quantité d’outils disponibles et d’innovations dans la conception de programmes, la communauté humanitaire fait face à certaines difficultés dans l’intégration des résultats d’analyses de marché dans la planification des programmes en situations de crise. Ce document...


Humanitarian crises, emergency preparedness and response: The roles of business and the private sector – final report and case studies from Indonesia, Kenya, Jordan and Haiti


The private sector has long been a major contributor to humanitarian action. At the community level, businesses frequently use their materials and resources to aid people affected by crises. As local markets recover and supply chains are repaired, crisis-affected people are once again able to access basic...


Cash transfer programming – an introduction (low resolution video)


Since 2010, the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department has been supporting a partnership between IFRC, the CALP Network and British Red Cross. The partnership seeks to use cash where it’s appropriate and to help ensure that the humanitarian community has the skills...


Against the Grain: The Cereal Trade in Darfur


WFP began to pilot food vouchers in Darfur in 2010 as an alternative to general food distribution. The main purpose of the voucher program is greater cost-efficiency for WFP, increased choice for beneficiaries, and strengthening of markets. It is also expected to create market multiplier effects and...


Etude de la vulnérabilité à l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages pauvres – République Islamique de Mauritanie


La Croix Rouge Française a lié un partenariat avec Montpellier SupAgro / Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC) dans le but de mettre en oeuvre un projet de recherche / action. Le projet de Transfert Economique et Social (TES) vise l’expérimentation de transferts monétaires dans une commune de la...

September 2013

Markit Kit de suivi, analyse et intervention

Guides et outils

Une alliance relative à l’apprentissage sur l’approvisionnement local et régional “Local and Regional Procurement Learning Alliance (LRP LA)” formée en 2008 afin de soutenir la recherche sur le respect des délais, le cout/efficacité et l’impact sur le marché des projets “local and...