COVID-19 Implications for Programming of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies
Beyond its immediate impact on health, the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have devastating consequences on people’s livelihoods and employment, especially in fragile, crisis and post-crisis environments (GHRP COVID-19). This includes immediate impact on income and livelihoods during the pandemic, and during the recovery period. Increasing numbers of households will slide under the poverty line and will encounter more economic barriers when accessing essential goods and services, including education.
In many cases, direct response and in-kind assistance will be more challenging to deliver. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is seen by many as well placed to mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on household income and livelihoods, as well as a safer option than in-kind for providing rapid relief during the pandemic where conditions allow. As CVA cuts across sectors and can help deliver outcomes in a majority of them, it is necessary to work across sectors and together with the Cash Working Group (CWG) for optimal results.
This note is intended to provide additional insights for education cluster coordinators on the potential uses of CVA for EiE in the current COVID-19 pandemic response under the GHRP COVID-19.