Unified Cash+ Framework of Bangladesh: For anticipatory action and response
This document presents a proposal for a harmonised inter-sectoral approach to cash+ (cash and other forms of support) in anticipation of rapid onset hazard events as well as the response phase. The formulations are based on the HCTT pre-crisis survey conducted in June 2023 and the workshop on the 22nd of June where the initial proposal was formulated. The aim of this initial proposal is to be...
October 2023
Pre-crisis Assessment of Monsoon Flooding in Bangladesh
Shifting the focus from response to anticipation of monsoon floods, the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator (RCO) and Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) with support from NORCAP/CashCap implemented a pre-crisis survey to understand at-risk people’s perceptions and preparations for monsoon flooding and help define a unified intersectoral cash+ approach for Anticipatory action and...
28 September 2023
A Minimum Guideline for Implementers: Cash for work
Guidelines and Tools
This guide is to be used as a recommended practice for CfW programming and mainstreaming gender and protection measures, based on global best practices and the Philippines’ context. It should be used as complementary to the DSWD Cash-for-Work guidance. The details outlined in this guide pertain to CfW activities to be delivered during the Early Recovery phase and post-disaster.
March 2023
Listening is not enough: People demand transformational change in humanitarian assistance
“Our accountability to [affected people] is paramount and must be acted upon. It is non-negotiable, at all times.” This pledge reiterates prior commitments to accountability to affected people (AAP), such as those made in the Grand Bargain and the Secretary-General’s Agenda for Humanity. In light of renewed pledges to being accountable to affected people, the United Nations Office for...
November 2022
Gender-based violence (GBV) risk analysis for cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in Ukraine
Case Study
A GBV Task Force was formed by members of the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Cluster and the Cash Working Group (CWG) in April 2022 in Ukraine. This Task Force (TF) has been created to support GBV mainstreaming within cash programming for the Ukraine response. The role of this TF is to review tools, assessments and plans for the roll-out of cash and voucher assistance (CVA), but also to...
May 2022
Ukraine Cash Working Group – Fact Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
The Ukraine Cash Working Group has produced this fact sheet to provide the latest information concerning: The cash working group, its foundations and current focus The role of multi purpose cash in light of the current crisis The Minimum Expenditure Basket (MPC) and its current calculation in Ukraine Data and Information sensitivity classification in Ukraine Current task teams focussing on...
10 March 2022
Slides for the Global CWG meeting – Oct 2021
The enclosed slides for the 28 October meeting feature presentations from WFP, the Uganda and CAR CWGs and GSMA , as well as key links to key resources discussed.
29 October 2021
UN Common Cash Statement Progress Report – September 2021
This report outlines key progress and challenges under the UN Common Cash Statement (UNCCS) and the vision and priorities ahead. It builds on more than two years of implementation, the UNCCS Q&A and a number
of surveys and lessons learned workshops conducted with countries in 2021. While the focus has largely been on implementation in the seven focus countries, the UNCCS continues to grow...
September 2021
Data Responsibility Toolkit: A Guide for CVA Practitioners
This updated toolkit builds on ELAN’s widely-used 2016 Data Starter Kit, which was one of the first resources providing orientation on data privacy and security in humanitarian work. The new toolkit offers a range of ways to work data responsibility into programme planning, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning) activities. The toolkit offers...
10 March 2021
Somalia: Country mapping – Large Scale Cash Transfers for COVID-19 Response
Case Study
This is a rapid country review aiming to identify the best ways to fast-delivery of these cash transfers by: (i) prioritising reasonably actionable measures to channel the available aid towards the most in need, and (ii) identifying a better modus operandi for an articulated humanitarian and development action to support such measures.
30 September 2020
Supporting the Linkages Between Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance and National Social Protection Systems
This tipsheet aims to support country-level coordination efforts to strengthen the engagement between humanitarian coordination groups that implement cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and existing social
protection or disaster risk reduction coordination actors and groups. In particular, it seeks to offers inter-cluster and cash working group coordinators simple practical tips for engaging...
September 2020
Nigeria Capacity Gap Analysis
Case Study
Between 2009 and 2019, the Boko Haram insurgency has affected around 13.4 million people in North East of Nigeria. Out the total affected, around 7.1 million are in need of humanitarian assistance while 6.2 million are targeted for humanitarian assistance. To date, 1.8 million people are reported internally displaced and new displacement continues due to the insurgency, in the states of Borno,...
November 2019
Cash & Voucher Assistance in the 4Ws for Syria Guidance on reporting: A Companion Guide to the 2019 4Ws Glossary & Template
Guidelines and Tools
• Provide a clear guidance on how to report cash and voucher assistance (CVA) into the 4Ws.
Intended outcomes
• Partners have a common understanding of how/where to report different types of cash transfer projects.
• Humanitarian stakeholders have more accurate aggregate data for meta analysis of CVAs, and for strategic coordination towards quality programming.
Syria Quarterly Humanitarian Response (Q1 January to March 2019)
Summary of the humanitarian aid delivered to beneficiaries in Syria during Q1 2019
Global Cash Policy Network Call: the UN Common Cash System
On 5 December, Principals of UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP and OCHA announced the launch of a joint system for the design, delivery and monitoring of cash assistance. This is a welcome step towards improved collaboration between United Nations agencies, with the potential to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of UN cash operations and better support those affected by humanitarian...
14 December 2018
Standard Operating Procedures for Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC) grants
Guidelines and Tools
These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) outline the systems, roles and responsibilities, and critical actions for implementing [insert agency]’s Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC) programming on behalf of vulnerable [insert population(s)/groups] in [insert country/region/location].
May 2018
Ethiopia Acceptance And Security And Safety Overview
This overview was created by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) with input by the Ethiopia Cash Working Group (ECWG) and as such is part of the overall effort to create an evidence base of the feasibility and appropriateness to use and scale-up cash transfer programming (CTP) in order to address humanitarian needs in Ethiopia. Over the last years, Ethiopia has...
April 2018
Multipurpose Cash Grants (ERC consortium) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Guidelines and Tools
The purpose of this document is to provide a road map of the essential components when assessing, designing, implementing and monitoring multipurpose cash grant (MPG) programmes. The Assessment and Response Option Analysis and Planning (ROAP) phases encompass the Basic Needs Approach as the key starting point for MPGs, while the Design, Implementation, and Monitoring, Evaluation,...
April 2018
Nigeria Cash Working Group (CWG) Inter-Sector Working Group (ISWG) Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Presentation, March 2018
Presentation to the Inter-Sector Working Group (ISWG) advocating for the use of Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) in the response in Borno state, north-east Nigeria
March 2018
Cash and Markets Working Group Strategic Workshop Report – Libya
On the 6th and 7th of February 2018, a two days meeting opened to the members of the CMWG, Sector Leads, World Bank, UNSMIL, OCHA and Donors was held in Tunis to review the achievements, gaps and challenges of cash programing and articulate the 2018 humanitarian Cash Strategy for Libya. Supported by a review of the key technical and strategic aspects as well as the specificity and risks of...
February 2018
Guidance and Toolbox for the Basic Needs Analysis
Guidelines and Tools
The Basic Needs Analysis (BNA) is a multi-sector needs analysis approach that can be applied in both sudden onset and protracted emergencies. The methodology comprises the Guidance (this document) presenting the conceptual BNA framework and related processes, and a Toolbox, which
October 2017
includes tools, templates, training materials, and examples drawn from its first pilot, in Borno State(Nigeria).
Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming Symposium – Cash based responses in North-eastern Nigeria: harmonising CTP approaches, sharing learning and cash transfer mechanisms experiences
With the increasing use of cash based responses in NE Nigeria the humanitarian organisations identified the need to share the knowledge and experiences that exist to date. The Humanitarian Cash Transfer Symposium was a structured workshop for humanitarian organisations to share experiences, learnings, and to harmonise and agree on joint recommendations to move forward with some of the...
13 April 2016
Increasing the Uptake of Multi-Purpose Cash Grants in Emergency Responses for a More Efficient and Effective Humanitarian Action
Reduced funding in the humanitarian sector has propelled a new drive for efficient responses, with cash transfer programming (CTP) gaining traction in high-level discussions. Humanitarian actors have made significant use of multipurpose cash grants (MPGs) as the most efficient and effective way of meeting basic needs across traditional sector divides. However, newly proposed coordination...
Humanitarian Innovation: The state of the art
Policy paper
The humanitarian system faces grave challenges, as record numbers of people are displaced for longer periods by natural disasters and escalating conflicts. At the same time new technologies, partners, and concepts allow humanitarian actors to understand and address problems quickly and effectively. To contend with these growing, and changing, demands, organizations are increasingly...
November 2014
E-Transfers: One year later workshop learning document
In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Typhoon Yolanda), an estimated half million storm-affected Filipinos received an electronic cash transfer (e-transfer) to help them rebuild and recover from the storm’s devastation. The presence of a large number of Financial Service Providers (FSPs) with the requisite infrastructure was critical to enabling a cash response...
Cash Transfer Programming Infographic – OCHA
OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) in the Philippines has produced a helpful infographic explaining the role of cash transfer programming in the Philippines Typhoon Haiyan response. The infographic explores several aspects of cash transfer programming, and examines the several factors that make the Philippines uniquely conducive to cash.
Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan
Situation Report No. 14 (as of 20 November 2013)
November 2013
The Use of Cash Transfers in Emergencies: A focus on the HoA response strategies
A focus on the HOA drought response strategies
11 August 2011