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Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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L’accès à des marchés fonctionnels est essentiel pour les personnes affectées par une crise. Des transferts monétaires efficaces font appel aux marchés locaux et leur offrent un soutien. L’analyse de marché doit par conséquent être considérée comme une partie essentielle du cycle d’intervention, pour la programmation en transferts monétaires et d’autres formes d’aide humanitaire.

Lors de la conception d’une intervention humanitaire et de la prise de décisions quant à l’utilisation des transferts monétaires, l’analyse générale des options de réponse doit inclure une analyse de marché. Il est prouvé qu’offrir un soutien ciblant le fonctionnement des marchés accélère la reprise et accroît la résilience dans les zones affectées par une catastrophe.

De nombreuses organisations ont investi dans la mise au point d’outils visant à faciliter l’analyse de marché et réfléchissent à la mise en place de programmes basés sur les marchés plus holistiques. Elles envisagent des interventions tirant profit du marché (basées notamment sur des transferts monétaires aux populations affectées), ainsi que des interventions soutenant directement les marchés (comme l’octroi de subventions conditionnelles aux vendeurs/euses pour la remise en condition du marché).


Mapping the Risks of Corruption in Humanitarian Action


The issue of corruption in emergency relief and rehabilitation is a key concern for practitioners, who invest considerable resources and energy in trying to minimise it. However, it has barely been discussed in policy terms, and little researched. This paper aims to map the risks of corruption in the...


Cash Grants and Microfinance in Livelihood Recovery: Experiences from tsunami-affected areas of Sri Lanka


The devastating tsunami that hit Sri Lanka on 26 December 2004 killed over 35,000 people, making it the worst natural disaster in the country’s recorded history. Over 200,000 people were estimated to have lost their livelihoods, half of them in the fishing sector. The major objectives of the study is...


Voucher Distributions


This document is largely based on the experience gained by GOAL’s team in its response to the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan and aims to discuss:
1. Options for transferring resource to a community in an emergency situation.
2. The appropriateness of the different methods of resource transfer to different


Mapping the Market: A framework for rural enterprise development policy and practice

Guidelines and Tools

Markets matter to the rural poor.  It is increasingly clear that in tackling rural poverty, market-related issues –  including access to information, institutions, linkages and trade rules – are vital considerations.  Failure to address these issues means that the benefits of other developments...


Evaluation of OFDA Cash for Relief Intervention in Ethiopia: Final Report


As a result of insufficient rainfall in 2002 and 2003, the Ethiopian Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) issued an international appeal for food assistance in December 2003. Some 7.2 million people were estimated to be at risk in 2004. An OFDA/DART’s response to this crisis resulted...


Clients First! A Rapid Market Appraisal Tool Kit: Theoretical background and experiences from various RMA events

Guidelines and Tools

Clients First! focuses on one vital element of market research that should be carried out before deciding to support at the agricultural production side or to proceed with an agribusiness project: a market feasibility study. The publication describes the main characteristics of a basic market study as...


Walking the Talk Presentation to the Zimbabwe CTWG May 2011


Presentation accompanying the report ‘Walking the Talk – the Impacts of Cash Transfers on Gender Relations’ commissioned by Oxfam & Concern.


Cash Transfers in Emergencies: Evaluating Benefits and Assessing Risks


In terms of both theory and practice, there appears to be a strong case for cash-based responses to food emergencies where the supply and market conditions are appropriate. Amartya Sen’s work on entitlements offers a solid theoretical base for cash transfers, and the practical experience so far, limited...


Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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