When designing a humanitarian intervention and deciding whether to use CVA, a market analysis should be part of the overall response analysis. Supporting markets to function well has been shown to lead to faster recovery and increased resilience in disaster affected areas.
Many organizations have invested in the development of tools to support market analysis and are considering market-based programming more holistically. This includes interventions that use the market (such as cash transfers to affected populations), as well as interventions that directly support markets (such as conditional grants to traders to get their market back up and running).
Related initiatives
Featured content
Introduction to Market Analysis
This 30 minute online course provides an introduction to the analysis of markets in emergency contexts, with input from some of the world’s leading thinkers on the topic.
A Practical Guide to Market Analysis in Humanitarian response
A three to four hour online course designed to provide future humanitarian market assessment team members with a solid understanding of theory and steps of market assessments so that they can join assessment teams prepared with a basic understanding of what they will be doing and why.
Market Support Interventions in Humanitarian Contexts – a Tip Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
This tip sheet defines what market support programming in humanitarian contexts is, and what it can look like in practice. It enables humanitarian practitioners to systematically consider market support interventions alongside other programme activities. The scope includes support interventions focusing on supply/availability and on demand/access. The tip sheet is based on secondary data...
Market Based Programming (MBP)
Guidelines and Tools
Market Based Programming (MBP) in Oxfam’s work means we always consider existing markets – through assessments, analysis and programming – across all phases of a response and across all technical sectors. You can also watch the videos below which are available in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.
Thematic lead
CVA Design, Payment Size and Frequency: Effect on recovery and resilience
Join us for a stimulating discussion around CVA design, drawing on recent research findings. We will explore innovative practices, consider up-to-date evidence, and identify context-specific solutions.
Gaza Rapid Market Assessment (August 2024)
The Rapid Market Assessment in Gaza was a collaborative effort led by the operational and technical teams of Save the Children, CRS, and Mercy Corps, with Save the Children coordinating the overall process. On-site data collection was carried out by these organizations along with the Arab World Research &...
Yemen Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) – Transfer value calculation guidance
The objective of this technical note is to provide direction and guidance to Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) actors in Yemen on the calculation of the transfer values for Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) using the Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB). In light of the current economic context in Yemen,...
Cash Consortium of Sudan: Commercial Markets Analysis
In May and June 2024, the Cash Consortium of Sudan (CCS) commissioned a study funded by the European Union to better understand the capacity of commercial markets in select famine risk “hot spot” locations to scale up the supply of staple foods to meet an increase in provision of multi-purpose cash...
Mapping of Cash and Voucher Assistances (CVAs) in Türkiye in 2023
Cash-Based Interventions Technical Working Group (CBI TWG) published this document to
share a summary of the findings of Mapping of CVAs in Türkiye in 2023, along with the
background information and purpose (Annex A). Further findings...
Cash Assistance IS working in Gaza, despite the skepticism: Here’s why
Blog Post
Manal Shehade, who has over 10 years of experience in development and humanitarian across the occupied Palestinian territories and internationally, explains why cash has surprised the experts.
CVA Feasibility Assessment: Upper East and Upper West Regions, Ghana
The worsening security situation in Burkina Faso has led to the influx of over 15,000 asylum seekers into the Upper East and Upper West regions of Ghana. This has placed significant pressure on the already limited resources of the host communities, particularly in the area hosting the settlements of...
Comparison of Market Analysis Tools
Guidelines and Tools
This document is a short guide intended to help people select appropriate tools for market assessments in humanitarian contexts. It highlights some of the most commonly used tools and approaches but is not comprehensive. New tools are being developed regularly.
Minimum Standard for Market Analysis (MISMA)
Guidelines and Tools
By supporting high-quality market analysis, the MISMA intends to contribute to improving response analysis and programme implementation. The MISMA covers five key actions to ensure the quality of market analysis.
South Sudan Joint Markets Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) Workshop Report
Meeting minutes
The South Sudan Cash Working Group in collaboration with REACH and the CALP Network East and Southern Africa Regional Office held a virtual workshop on Enhancing Market Monitoring in South Sudan on February 28, 2024.
The South Sudan Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) plays a crucial role in...
Calculating the GHG Footprint of Food Aid using Cash Transfers
In early 2021, Action Against Hunger (ACF) France is launching a GHG emissions assessment with other members of the Humanitarian Environment Network (REH). The scope of accounting target all emissions, and very quickly some activities, which can generate considerable variability in the results, are...
Cash Feasibility Snapshot Report – Site Assessment (Round 34) and Village Assessment Survey (Round 17), August – September 2023
Between August and September 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Data and Research Unit (DRU), through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology, deployed the Site Assessment (SA) and Village Assessment Survey (VAS) tools to assess the mobility, needs and vulnerabilities of...
Joint Market Assessment Round 2
This report assesses the feasibility of implementing Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), specifically Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), to support individuals impacted by the February 6 earthquakes. The evaluation focuses on the acceptance of various forms of cash modalities, availability of key items,...
Feasibility study on CVA in Tigray Region, Ethiopia_October 2023
The two years of conflict in Tigray has fueled a large-scale humanitarian crisis and resulted in loss of livelihoods and widespread food insecurity of the population especially Internally Displaced Populations and agrarian communities in the region.
The crisis affected the livelihoods of the...
WVI Cash Roadmap 2.0 – New Avenues – Leveraging, multiplying “Nexus” cash to take children and their families further than imagined
WVI's strategic global Cash Roadmap 2.0 (2024-2027) speaks to the organisations' commitment that amidst polycrises and resourcing constraints, there is urgency to maximise and multiply World Vision's capabilities, assets and cash voucher programming (CVP=CVA) is a powerful tool to do so.
Global Cash Working Group Meeting – October 2023
This slide deck was presented at the October meeting of the Global Cash Working Group meeting.
During the October meeting, we:
Launched the process to update the Terms of Reference of the GCWG to clarify its purpose and linkages to other structures, particularly given the role out of the 2022...
Adjusting CVA Transfer Values for Inflation: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Food Security Cluster Coordinators
Guidelines and Tools
Over the past 3 years, the global community has experienced a series of unanticipated, challenging, and interrelated shocks: COVID-19, conflict, climate change, and rising costs. A significant number of countries experienced substantial levels of local currency depreciation coupled with high inflation,...
Uneven Market Speeds: Exploring the potential for cash programming after the earthquake
The Kahramanmaraş earthquake had a devastating impact on Türkiye’s South-East Anatolia region. In an area within Türkiye already reported as economically vulnerable, the earthquake severely impacted people’s livelihoods, as well as the resilience of markets through the destruction of essential...
Layering Cash Into Market Systems Programs: Catalyzing Market-Driven Recovery in Nigeria
Mercy Corps has been implementing the USAID funded Feed the Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity (RRA), a market systems development (MSD) program, in Northeast Nigeria since 2019. In response to COVID-19, RRA layered on a short-term cash transfer activity to help households cope, jumpstart local...
Building Capital in Crisis: How women in CARE’s VSLAs in Emergencies increase savings and solidarity
Since 2017, CARE has piloted and refined our VSLA in Emergencies model to reach people in need of humanitarian assistance and provide an approach that can reduce long term vulnerability while being more sustainable. In this second report on our pilot research, we provide insights from three pilots in...