Événements à venir
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
Formation de formateurs(trices) face à face Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme en français
Le bureau du CALP pour l’Afrique de l’ouest et du centre organise une formation de formateurs(trices) face à face du 24 au 28 février 2025 à Dakar au Sénégal. Cette formation a pour but d'ajouter à une cohorte de formateurs(trices) doté(e)s de la compétence et de la confiance nécessaires pour dispenser la formation CALP Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le...
Discussion regarding the US freeze on humanitarian funding
The agenda will focus on the following:
1. Context Update
2. Impact of the freeze your organizations and your CVA programming including sectoral CVA
3. What is CALP doing?
4. What are local organizations doing? – NEAR network to discuss what they are doing
5. Questions and open discussions
The invitation is open to local/national organizations in the Middle East and North...
MENA SP Linkages to CVA Community of Practice Meeting
Members event
In this community of practice session, we will have the opportunity to learn from the research conducted by the Danish Refugee Council on Links between Social Work in Social Protection and relevant aid programs in the Middle East, focusing on Jordan, Lebanon and Türkiye.
You can join the meeting through this link:
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training
Événements passés
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101 – 120 sur 337 résultats
MERS Standards: Easy Principles for Better Market Based Programming
Members event
جلسة أونلاين – معايير MERS، المعايير الدنيا للانتعاش الاقتصادي: مبادئ سهلة لبرمجة أفضل قائمة على السوق سيتم إجراء هذه الجلسة أونلاين باللغة الإنجليزية مع توفير ترجمة...
CALP Network Board Meeting
Members event
The Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. The CALP Board is comprised of between 7 and 13 voting members, who are drawn from CALP member organisations or are independent members of the CALP Network. The Board operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of...
Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team webinar launching online training module on CVA for education in emergencies
Members event
The Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team is pleased to invite you to a webinar launching the first ever Cash and Voucher Assistance in Education in Emergencies online training, developed in partnership with Save the Children as part of the INEE-endorsed Education in Emergencies online pathway. This...
Cash & Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Online Training
Members training
On behalf of CARE and Task Team on Cash for Protection, we are pleased to share the registration announcement for the Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Online Training which builds on the existing CVA and GBV Compendium face-to-face training, developed alongside the CVA & GBV...
Global Cash Working Group Meeting
Members event
The Global Cash Working Group will meet to hear the initial findings and provide feedback on research, supported by the Cash Advisory Group, to understand what constitutes quality cash coordination.
Adapter les transferts monétaires humanitaires au contexte d’inflation et de dépréciation monétaire
Le CALP vient de terminer une étude qui visait à capturer les différentes mesures d’adaptation de transferts monétaires (TM) humanitaires afin de répondre à l’inflation et la dépréciation de la monnaie dans différents pays. Dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, l’étude...
CVA & Child Protection Training and ToT
Members training
We are pleased to invite you to apply for the Cash and Voucher Assistance & Child Protection Training of Trainers and Training in Rome, Italy from May 22-26. The Training was developed by Save the Children and Plan International, under the Alliance for Child Protection for Humanitarian Action, with the...
Impact Evaluation of Humanitarian Cash Transfers – Recent evidence from Colombia
Members event
The Cash for Urban Assistance (CUA) Consortium, led by Action Against Hunger in association with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), is pleased to invite you to the virtual international launch of the impact evaluation results of the ADN DIGNIDAD program. The...
East and Southern Africa CWG Leads and Co-leads workshop
Members event
CALP Network convenes annually the East and Southern Africa CWG leads and co-leads workshop with the main purpose of encouraging peer-to-peer learning among CWG leads and Co-leads to improve cash coordination. This year the workshop is scheduled to be face to face and will be held in Nairobi- Kenya on...
Interoperability in Humanitarian Cash Assistance – Landscape mapping findings and recommendations
Members event
As organizations try to respond with and scale up humanitarian cash assistance the topics of data sharing, systems interoperability, and data portability among affected communities and actors including aid organizations, governments, and financial service providers become important. On September 2022, the...
Cash Working Group régional – Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Vous êtes cordialement invité(e)s à la prochaine réunion du Cash Working Group régional qui aura lieu le mardi 9 mai de 9h à 11h (GMT) en présentiel et en ligne. Une interprétation simultanée anglais/français vous sera proposée lors de cette réunion. L’agenda sera comme suit : Tour de...
CVA and Climate Change
Members event
The Iraq Cash Forum is organizing a webinar under the title “Cash and Voucher Assistance and Climate Change”. The aim of this webinar is to learn how CVA is used to prepare and to respond to climate change effects. This learning opportunity is the starting point to trigger the discussion within the...
CAG External Briefing
Members event
*The meeting will primarily be in English. Simultaneous interpretation will be available in Arabic, French and Spanish. The global Cash Advisory Group (CAG) is pleased to invite you to an external briefing on Tuesday 2nd May at 1pm (CET). The Global CAG was formed in June 2022 following the endorsement...
Atelier de spécialisation | Programmes de transferts monétaires et mobilité humaine
Événement membre
Le nombre de personnes contraintes de quitter leur foyer en raison de conflits, de violences ou de catastrophes a atteint chaque année son niveau le plus élevé depuis que l’on tient des registres, dépassant les 103 millions de personnes selon l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les...
Online specialisation workshop | Cash and voucher assistance and human mobility
Members event
The number of people forced to leave their homes due to conflicts, violence, or disasters has reached an all-time high, with over 103 million people according to the UN Refugee Agency. Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has emerged as one of the optimal aid modalities to ensure the dignity and...
Humanitarian Leadership Conference: panel discussion on ‘The urgent need to accelerate progress on CVA for people in crisis’
Members event
CALP will be leading a panel discussion as part of the Humanitarian Leadership Conference focused on the urgent need to accelerate progress on CVA for people in crisis. After a brief introduction to some of the findings from the Scaling CVA report (published by CALP in December), panellists will explore...
« Local Community-Empowered Social Accountability for better Humanitarian Preparedness & Action »
Members event
Hybrid Webinar Session on « Local Community-Empowered Social Accountability for better Humanitarian Preparedness & Action » as part of Humanitarian Networks & Partnership Week (HNPW) 2023.
Date: 26 April, 2-3:30 pm CET.
While, by 2022, 1.3 bn are reached via cash transfers (763 Mio people via digital...
Child-focused Social Protection in the Age of Cash, Conflicts, Cities & Climate Risks
Members event
In-person @ Salle 9 CICG, Geneva – please register here. Online via zoom – please register here. Join in this hybrid and interactive session on 25 April to learn, share challenges and opportunities with speakers from Global Alliance for Urban Crises, Cities for Children Global Alliance, IFRC, UNICEF,...
Formation de formateurs face à face Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme du 24 au 28 avril 2023 à Dakar
Le CALP Network en Afrique de l’ouest et du centre organise une formation de formateurs face à face en français du 24 au 28 avril 2023 à Dakar au Sénégal. Le but de cette formation est d’ajouter à la cohorte de formateurs dotés de la compétence et de la confiance nécessaires pour dispenser la...
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Americas and Anglophone West Africa
Please note that this round of applications is for professionals based in the Americas and anglophone countries of West Africa only and the workshops will be held within time zones that are accessible to both regions. This course is structured around the project cycle and covers all of the key skills...