Organisation(Nécessaire) Abuja Cash Working Group ACTED Action Aid Action Contre La Faim ActivityInfo Adeso Afrique Verte Mali American Institutes for Research American Red Cross Association Malienne pour la Protection et le Développement de l’Environnement au Sahel BBC Media Action British Red Cross Bureau National de Gestion des Risques et des Catastrophes, Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la Réforme Administrative, Madagascar Burkina Faso Cash Working Group C12 Consultants CALP Network CARE International CARE Yemen Cash Working Group DRC Cash Working Group Madagascar Cash Working Group Regional CashCap Catholic Relief Services Cellule Crises Alimentaires, Niger Centre for International Studies and Cooperation Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Réseaux d’Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport Chad Cash Working Group Charlie Goldsmith Associates Chilean Red Cross Citibank Commission Européenne Concern Worldwide Corporation of Professionals for Comprehensive Community Development (CORPRODINCO) Corprodinco Croix Rouge du Viet Nam Croix Rouge philippine Croix Rouge sénégalaise Croix-Rouge francaise CWG regional DANIDA Danish Church Aid Danish Red Cross Danish Refugee Council Danmark Indsamling Department for International Development, United Kingdom Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations ECPAT France Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network European Research Council European Social Fund, European Commission European Union Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GBV Sub Cluster Gender Innovation Lab Girls' Education South Sudan Global Education Cluster Global Protection Cluster Global Shelter Cluster Global WASH Cluster Ground Truth Solutions Humanitarian Futures Humanitarian Practice Network Humanity & Inclusion INASP Inter-Agency Standing Committee International Committee of the Red Cross International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Rescue Committee Irish Aid Islamic Relief Worldwide Key Aid Consulting King's College London KIT Royal Tropical Institute Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Sociales et le Développement Local Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Lutheran World Federation Maiduguri Cash Working Group Mali Cash Working Group Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth Mauritanie Cash Working Group Medair Médecins Sans Frontières Mercy Corps Ministère de l’Éducation générale et de l’Enseignement du Soudan du Sud Ministère de la Population, de la Protection Sociale et de la Promotion de la Femme, Madagascar Mutuelle d ́Épargne et de Crédit des Femmes, Niger Nations Unies NetHope Niger Cash Working Group Nigeria Cash Working Group NORCAP Norwegian Refugee Council OCHA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance ONU Femmes Organisation internationale pour les migrations Overseas Development Institute Oxfam Oxfam Intermón Oxford Policy Management Philippine Red Cross Plan International République démocratique du Congo Cash Working Group Save the Children SEEP Network Solidarités International SPACE Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19: Expert advice Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Système d'Information sur les Marchés Agricoles, Niger Système d’Alerte Précoce et de Gestion des Catastrophes, Niger Tchad Cash Working Group Télécoms Sans Frontières Terre des hommes The Global Health Cluster The Technical and Operational Performance Support Program Transparency International Trinity College Dublin UN Women United Nations Children's Fund United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United States Agency for International Development University College Dublin Urgence, Réhabilitation, Développement Vétérinaires sans Frontières - Allemagne VISA WCAF Cash Working Group Welthungerhilfe Winrock International Women's Refugee Commission World Bank World Food Programme World Vision Yaoundé cash working group