CALP Network Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
The next TAG Meeting will be on Wednesday, 30th August, 12:00-14:00 UTC, via Zoom.
The TAG meets quarterly and helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network.
Want to know more?
Go to the TAG webpage or apply to sit in at this meeting as an Observer (CALP members only).
Being an observer aims to allow members to gain insights into how the TAG works and what it does, particularly for those who would potentially like to be more involved but want to know more first. Observers will be able to attend a TAG meeting as a “fly on the wall” and engage with the current TAG.
The Observer Seats are intended for:
Member organisations who:
- are not currently represented on the TAG, or;
- are under-represented compared to their numbers in CALP’s network, for example, national NGOs.
And/or individuals (who work for a member organisation, or are independent members) who:
- may not meet the full TAG criteria in terms of technical experience,
- are at the beginning of their career/ new to the sector.
If you are interested or know someone who would like to attend a TAG meeting as an Observer, please reach out to Rose Smith, Membership Coordinator, at