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Technical Advisory Group

About the TAG

The TAG helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network. All TAG Representatives are from CALP member organizations or are independent members of CALP. The TAG:

  • Proposes, leads and supports thematic areas of work across the network, supported by working groups.
  • Reviews and/or endorses key technical and policy outputs from network members, ensuring complementarities with related member initiatives.
  • Identifies key issues where collective action and advocacy across the network is needed, and supports this.
  • Act as champions for the CALP Network, helping to connect members, disseminate work and create opportunities for engagement.

The TAG is comprised of between 20 and 30 individual Representatives (Reps).

For more information on the TAG please contact Kate Hart, Head of Policy, Evidence and Learning and TAG Lead You may also consult the TAG Terms of Reference.

To join the TAG

There are application rounds to join the TAG throughout the year. When an application round is open, it will be announced here and on the jobs page.

Applications are not currently being accepted. The next round will likely be late 2024 or early 2025.

Observer Seats information

Observer Seats aim to allow members to gain insights into how the TAG works and what it does, particularly for those who would potentially like to be more involved but want to know more first. Observer Seats enable members to sample the TAG without the formal TAG application process and need to meet all of the criteria.

Observers may attend one TAG meeting as a “fly on the wall” and engage with the current TAG.

The Observer Seats are intended for:

Member organizations who:

  • are not currently represented on the TAG, or;
  • are under-represented compared to their numbers in CALP’s network, for example, national NGOs.

And/or individuals (who work for a member organization, or are independent members) who:

  • may not meet the full TAG criteria in terms of technical experience,
  • are at the beginning of their career/ new to the sector.

To attend a TAG meeting as an Observer, please reach out to Kate Hart, at

Alan Grundy

Technical Advisor – Cash & Markets; Cash Lead

Catholic Relief Services

Dr. Anas Alkaddour

Senior Food Security and Livelihoods Technical Advisor

Global Communities

Chiara Genovese

Cash Advisor

Mercy Corps

Clara Setiawan

Cash & Markets Specialist

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Emilio Paz

Deployable CVA Specialist 

Plan International 

Inès Dalmau Gutsens

Cash and Markets Technical advisor

Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Cash Hub

Jimmy Latigo

Cash and Voucher Assistance Analyst 

FAO Uganda

Laura Meissner

Senior Economic Recovery and Market Systems Advisor

USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

Loreto Jr Palmaera

Programme CBI Officer


Maria Pia Ferrari

CVA and Social Protection Specialist

Action Against Hunger

Matthew Tebbutt

Global Cash and Markets Adviser

Christian Aid

Meircan Han

PMER Deputy Coordinator

Turkish Red Crescent

Nathan Stevens

Global Lead, CVA


Rachel Eichholz

Independent Consultant

Rawad El Zir

Humanitarian Affairs Officer / Cash Coordination


Sharon Sibanda

Senior Technical Advisor: Cash, Voucher and Market Based Programming

World Vision International

Simon Le Tocq

Global Cash and Markets Advisor


Simon Wright-Lakin

Director - Enterprise Development


Stefan Bumbacher

Programme Officer CVA & Head of Expert Group Cash 


Steve Taylor

Chief Delivery and Impact Officer


Tenzin Manell

Senior Cash and Markets Advisor


Tobias Ndlovu

Global Humanitarian Advisor (Roving)

Dan Church Aid

Tom Colley

Global Humanitarian Cash and Markets Advisor

HelpAge International

Whitney Mills

Global Cash and Voucher Assistance Advisor

Danish Refugee Council (DRC)