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Global Cash Forum

The Global Cash Forum is a platform for actors to collaborate and address key issues related to cash and voucher assistance (CVA). The GCF seeks to link global cash initiatives and actors more systematically with evidence from and best practice in the field and the broader humanitarian system.

The group seeks to add value by: 

  • Providing a centralized point for sharing learning, best practice and key challenges among national and regional cash working groups on operations (tools, best practices, guidance), opportunities for engagement (cash studies, innovative approaches, etc.) and linkages to global policy. The GCF is open to all interested organisations engaged in CVA. 
  • Facilitating information sharing among the broad group on: cash policy, knowledge (training opportunities, new and planned research) and information (mapping of CWGs, upcoming global meetings); and 


The Global Cash Forum was originally formed in 2013 as the Geneva Based CWG, facilitated by the CALP Network and ICRC, providing a forum for CVA practitioners in Geneva to meet and share learning.  The group evolved over time and in 2020, started to morph and the meetings began to be developed for and led by members of Cash Working Groups from around the world. By January 2021 the Terms of Reference were reviewed, and the group was officially renamed the Global Cash Working Group and nominations were opened for co-leadership from Cash Working Group Leads. In order to reflect a more inclusive and representative arrangement, two co-chairs from response-level Cash Working Groups were added to the leadership. The CALP Network and OCHA continue co-chair this group, along with the Uganda Cash Working Group lead in 2021.

Principles and approach 

The Global Cash Working Group will be: 

  • Focused on sharing learning and best practice on priority issues, promoting dialogue between global, regional and national levels, and on supporting positive progress on effective, efficient and accountable CVA;  
  • Proactively inclusive to ensure the group continues to represent the growing group of stakeholders; and  
  • Supportive, with a goal to provide added value to the humanitarian community and share information to improve the effectiveness of CVA implementation. 

For more information about the GCF, and to be added to the mailing list, please contact Lynn Yoshikawa at   

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