Effective coordination can prevent gaps and overlaps in humanitarian responses, ensure the impact of CVA is optimised for the benefit of crisis affected populations, whilst also making the most of limited humanitarian funding. But the CALP Network’s State of the World’s Cash report found that cash coordination is seen as weak and ad hoc, and that this is having serious operational impact.
Ninety-five donors, international and national NGOs, private sector actors and one UN agency have called for clarity on two key issues surrounding cash coordination:
- Who should be accountable for ensuring effective cash coordination, and
- What the scope of Cash Working Groups should be, including in relation to multipurpose cash.
We urgently need to build on what works and provide clarity at the global level on the questions above, whilst adapting to different contexts. Clear decisions based on the impact on affected populations rather than agency politics are long overdue.
Current priorities
We aim to contribute to progress on this issue on three levels: supporting Cash Working Groups at the regional level; contributing to practical solutions for cash coordination at the global level; and convening evidence-based discussion on the key issues, highlighting critical decision points and opportunities for progress.
Featured content
Cash Coordination – LIVE timeline
The latest updates on cash coordination as they unfold.
95 Organisations Sign Letter Calling for Strengthened Cash Coordination
Today a letter signed by 95 organisations was handed into the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) urging the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) to take a decision on the leadership and scope of cash coordination in the coming year.
Is cash transforming the humanitarian system or is the system limiting how cash is used?
Blog Post
At the State of World’s Cash 2020 launch event, Sorcha O’Callaghan, Director of Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI warned that, “Cash offers a huge transformative potential, but as far as the system is privileging the interest of the agencies over people in crisis, we won’t be able to see it”. If you missed the State of the World's Cash 2020 launch we're sharing highlights. Quote 4...
State of the World’s Cash 2020 Chapter 5 summary: Coordination
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Cash Coordination Tip Sheet
Guidelines and Tools
This tip sheet sets out established best practice, key guidance and resources for all aspects of cash coordination, intended as a clear, accessible and action-oriented guide for those engaged in coordination of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) at the field level.
Introducing the Cash Coordination Tip Sheet
The CALP Network has developed a tipsheet setting out established best practice and key guidance and resources for all aspects of cash coordination, intended as a clear, accessible and action-oriented guide for those engaged in coordination of cash and voucher assistance at the field level.
Cash Coordination: A proposal from members in MENA
Blog Post
Earlier this year the CALP Network undertook regional consultations to explore options for cash coordination. This blog lays out recommendations from participants from the Middle East and North Africa who sketched out what cash coordination, and coordination more broadly, could look like in future to support a more effective, efficient and accountable response.
Thematic lead
Safety Net and Humanitarian Cash in the Emergency Response in Lebanon – What can we learn?
Lebanon is facing a severe humanitarian crisis exacerbated by economic turndown, widespread poverty, and displacement resulting from the escalation of the hostilities into war between Hezbollah and Israel on September 23, 2024. 1 A ceasefire was reached in the early hours of November 27, 2024, for a...
CVA – The Fundamentals
This one-day course targets any staff who are new to CVA, and is designed as an introduction to key concepts, definitions and myths relating to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian settings. This course is ideal for people who wish to understand the basics of CVA, or who need to be able to...
Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff
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Core CVA Skills for Managers
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My first 100 days as CALP’s new Director
Blog Post
In this blog, CALP Network Director Cate Turton shares her initial reflections on the challenges that lie ahead for the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) agenda.
Common Donor Messages on the Cash Response to the Escalation of Hostilities in Lebanon
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Social protection in emergencies: Strengthening the normative framework for cash transfer delivery
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Cash in Armed Conflict: Why cash remains the optimal solution as conflict escalates – A feasibility assessment of cash assistance in Lebanon
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Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) in the DRC: A pilot study assessing the socio-economic effects in an artisanal mining zone of Maniema Province
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Cross-Country Collaboration in Cash Assistance: Worthwhile or wasted effort?
Blog Post
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Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Minimum Standards
Guidelines and Tools
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Cash for Protection in Specialised/Stand alone Protection Programming
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Cash Consortium of Sudan: Commercial Markets Analysis
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Mapping of Cash and Voucher Assistances (CVAs) in Türkiye in 2023
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share a summary of the findings of Mapping of CVAs in Türkiye in 2023, along with the
background information and purpose (Annex A). Further findings...
Cash Assistance IS working in Gaza, despite the skepticism: Here’s why
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Assessing the Impact and Lessons from Cash Plus Interventions in Humanitarian Contexts in Mozambique
In 2023, Save the Children became the first NGO in Mozambique to launch multiple Cash Plus pilot projects. Cash Plus initiatives combine household cash transfers with complementary interventions to address the various drivers of childhood deprivation and maximise outcomes for children. Save the Children...
Lost in translation: Unlocking the potential of private sector partnerships in cash assistance
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CashCap /NORCAP Support to Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies Pilot Review. Ukraine and Syria. Final report.
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Community Participation in the Design of Multi-purpose Cash Programs – Perspectives from the field
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