The CALP Network has published three valuable resources to support cash and voucher practitioners to handle data effectively.
1. Data Responsibility Toolkit: A Guide for CVA Practitioners
This updated toolkit builds on ELAN’s widely-used 2016 Data Starter Kit, which was one of the first resources providing orientation on data privacy and security in humanitarian work. The toolkit is structured according to the stages of the data lifecycle and split into 7 tipsheets which address issues of Context and Organizational Capacity; Design and Planning; and Implementation.
2. Case study: Data responsibility and digital remote targeting during COVID-19
Challenges due to the pandemic have led to all kinds of innovations and adaptations focused on remote targeting, enrolment, verification and delivery. This case study explores digital remote targeting approaches used by GiveDirectly within cash programming, and the ways the organization is addressing data responsibility.
3. Case study: Responsible data sharing with governments
The growing emphasis on linking humanitarian cash and voucher assistance and government-led social protection systems has contributed to an increase in concerns about data sharing with governments. This case study addresses these commonly held concerns, with a particular focus on fragile settings or conflict environments.