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What Next For Cash Transfers In Bangladesh?

2015 — By Sharon Truelove

This study was commissioned by the Cash Working Group (CWG) of Bangladesh and funded, through Oxfam by ECHO. The study was conducted through remote interviews and then further interviews and participatory workshops during ten days in Dhaka (November 2015). The scope of work was initially primarily focused upon generating an ‘advocacy dialogue’ but the work was amended to include the participatory identification of a detailed strategic work plan for the CWG for 2016 through to 2018. The study has provided the CWG with an opportunity to reflect upon ‘what are the next steps for cash transfer programming advancement within Bangladesh’ and to look at ‘how to ensure Bangladesh is ready for Cash Transfer Programming at scale, at speed and across sectors by 2018’. The results of this process are described within this report and a separate technical annex containing presentations and a detailed strategic work plan (2016- 2018). The report contains only a brief narrative and concentrates on highlighting the extensive and detailed actionable recommendations generated by this study.