Updated face-to-face training materials
You can access the recently updated face-to-face training materials of our flagship courses, ‘CVA – The Fundamentals’ and ‘Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff’, which you will find engaging and comprehensive for a great learning experience.
What is new on these materials?
- Its content has been reviewed and updated with the latest guidance and examples for reference.
- We have included 4 new case studies to select from to use during the 5-day Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff course to help with contextualizing delivery of content.
- More content on markets, cash coordination, gender and linking social protection with humanitarian CVA has been added.
- There is also more forward-looking on CVA trends and considerations.
We have updated the materials and the trainers too!
- To facilitate these updated courses accordingly, our trainers have already been trained to deliver these new materials, you can find out more about their expertise and contact them here.