Tip sheet on integrating cash and markets in HNOs and HRPs
The humanitarian programme cycle (HPC) aims to achieve stronger efficiency, improved targeting, increased funding and provide greater accountability to affected people. Market Based Programming (MBP), including Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is now recognized as an effective tool to achieve the same impact as direct WASH programming, while minimizing disruptions to markets and maximizing programme efficiency. Grand Bargain signatories committed to increase the use and coordination of CVA, recognizing it as a more flexible and dignified modality of providing humanitarian assistance with increased effectiveness and efficiency. Finally, when scaled-up, MBP can also increase resilience of WASH markets.
Markets are part of sustainable development and WASH practitioners should recognize and seek to identify ways in which the local market can contribute to and be part of meeting the needs of the community during crisis and throughout the response as the market recovers.
WASH practitioners, under the principle of Do No Harm, should always be ‘market aware’ and consider both the negative and positive impacts a programme can have on local markets and the market environment.