Somalia Shock Responsive Pilots: Early Action Protocol
The development of Somalia Social Protection Policy (SSPP) is a political milestone that begins weaving the fabric for the social contract between the government and the people of Somalia. The policy plays a pivotal role in guiding the implementation of social protection system in two phases. Phase 1 (2019 – 2024), focuses on system and capacity-strengthening
while phase 11 (to 2040), will be more defined with the evolving context. In this regard, the Social Protection system will primarily be founded on the non-contributory instrument under phase 1 and gradually grow with increasing government capacity. Hinged on the policy implementation, is the collaboration between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and
development and humanitarian actors in the design and roll-out of Baxnaano (Safety Nets for Human Capital Project) implemented in rural areas in 21 districts across the federal member states (FMS) and funded by World Bank (WB). And, the design of the European Union –
Inclusive and Local Economic Development program (EU-ILED) funded social transfers scheduled for implementation in 2020.