Real Time Evaluation: Project ADVANCE Niger, Final Report
The 2009 agricultural season in Niger was marked by dramatic crop production deficits. The most recent drought in Niger has led to an escalation in the price of locally-produced staple grains in the region. While demand in local markets remains high, as is normal right before the lean season, many vulnerable households do not have access to foods available on local markets. The United Nations (UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released an Emergency Humanitarian Action Plan in April 2010 to request over $130 million needed to “save lives in Niger and help people escape looming food insecurity and malnutrition.” The Government of Niger (GoN) identified Tillabery and Ouallam as two “extremely vulnerable” departments in the country.
In response to the food insecurity situation of 2010, CRS/Niger is currently implementing Project ADVANCE or Assistance through the Distribution of Vouchers Aiding Nigerien Communities in Emergency in Tillabery and Ouallam Departments, Tillabery Region. Through the support of USAID/FFP, Project ADVANCE seeks to assist vulnerable households with food voucher distributions. The distribution of vouchers aims to make local food stocks available to the targeted population.
Through Project ADVANCE, CRS/Niger and implementing partner ABC Ecologie supports a population of 140,758 in 278 villages in Tillabery and Ouallam Departments, Tillabery Region. The program targets 20,108 of the most vulnerable households with monthly food voucher distributions. Each household receives a food voucher worth approximately $50.