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Rapid Market Assessment at Romanian border crossings

25 March 2022 — By Alessia Volpe

As the Russian invasion in Ukraine enters its fourth week, civilians continue to suffer the devastating consequences of the violence. According to the latest figures, about half a million (500,747 up to March 21st) fled through just Romania, with registered between 800 and 2,000 arrivals per day, on each border crossing.
In order to have a clearer picture of the broader market functionality at the borders, and select the most appropriate modality of assistance and delivery mechanism, Mercy Corps and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) assessed local markets within 5km from the borders in Seghet, Suceava, Dumbraveni, and Siret.
The aim of this rapid assessment was to gather evidence on the availability and price of basic commodities, the local supply chains, payment modalities accepted, adaptation measures traders are planning to absorb the shock of the refugees’ influx, and the broader market dynamics in the area. Findings of this assessment are to be considered purely indicative of the market functionality at the Ukraine-Romania borders.