Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Targeting Framework
Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) is currently the preferred response modality to cover basic needs of affected populations across Ukraine. The multi-sectoral response seeks to use MPCA to address the basic humanitarian needs of affected people in a holistic manner, reaching 5 million people in 2022. These were predominantly displaced households under a targeting framework developed in the initial months of the response.
In November 2022 the Cash Working Group (CWG) Task Team 1 was convened to revise the targeting framework for MPCA in Ukraine. There are two established pathways for MPCA in Ukraine: a rapid pathway tied to recent displacement from and residents of areas close to areas of active hostilities (Rapid Emergency MPCA), and a ‘stability’ pathway for those in protracted displacement or residing further away from the front line (ECA).
This revised framework outlines: (1) the eligibility criteria for Rapid MPCA, (2) the scoring model for Emergency Cash Assistance (ECA), and (3) a technical summary of how the ECA scoring model was developed.