Learning Event Report " Getting ready for cash transfer programming"
Despite the rapid, dynamic evolution of cash transfer implementation in West Africa, actors’ lack of preparation means that the tool cannot fulfil its potential. As a result, the scope of interventions remains limited, the combination of different methods is not often envisaged, the most suitable distribution mechanism is sometimes difficult to use, and implementation time frames are too long.
the CALP Network’s office in West Africa has chosen to dedicate its annual regional learning event to actors’ preparedness for cash transfers, in order to familiarise actors with the tools and resources available to them to enhance their preparedness. The event, which was held in Dakar from 30th November to 2nd December 2015, provided an opportunity to urge cash transfer partners to dedicate the necessary time, energy and resources to this essential preparation phase. This report aims to share the key lessons learnt from the event, the recommendations issued for the community of practice in West Africa, and the CALP Network’s supporting role.