Global Learning Event Report: Cash transfer programming and preparedness
As the investment in cash transfer programming (CTP) continues to grow, there is a desire to find ways to carry out this approach faster, more often and more effectively. As a result, the integration of CTP into preparedness and contingency planning is becoming more important.
A global learning event on ‘Cash transfer programming and preparedness’ was held on the 25 and 26 July, 2013, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Hosted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), in partnership with the the CALP Network, the event brought humanitarian actors together to share experiences and identify positive approaches to integrating CTP into existing preparedness and contingency planning processes.
This report has taken the good practices, the lessons learned and the outcomes of the discussions from the learning event and re-packaged it as a guidance document.