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Evaluation of Cash Relief Programme implemented by Horn Relief

2011 — By Acacia Consultants- Commissioned by Novib/ Oxfam Netherlands

This evaluation of the Emergency Cash Relief Programme (ECRP) was conducted between the 10th -22nd of June 2004. The evaluation looked at the various issues of programme operation and management, including financial management, and used an overall performance-scoring matrix for this purpose. The overall impression was that programme implementation was good with a scoring of 2.32. The project was largely successful in achievement of the formulated goal and objectives. It had contributed successfully towards stabilizing vulnerable population groups, and had increased the purchasing power of selected households in order to meet essential livelihood needs. However the impact was relatively short lived, due to the lack of action on a longer timeframe in a continued drought scenario. This evaluation report describes the main effects and impact of the ECRP, brings out the lessons learnt and suggests recommendations on the way forward for similar interventions in future.