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Cash Programming Kenya Review 2018 – 2022

22 August 2023 — By ACTED

Acted in Kenya is predominantly providing humanitarian assistance in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties where the main source of livelihood is pastoralism apart from their other uniqueness in terms of population characteristics, geographical features and seasonality. These counties have been facing and continue to face recurrent shocks ranging from drought, floods, and locust infestation which have impacted the livelihood of these populations negatively on different dimensions not limited to food insecurity and loss of livelihood assets.

From 2018 to 2022, Acted has been implementing Cash Programming projects in Kenya to support affected communities meeting their basic needs. During this period, Acted has implemented seven cash assistance focused projects, reaching a total of 60,977 households which translates to a total of 341,270 individuals in the ASAL counties of Kenya and Refugee Camps. This is with a consideration on the uniqueness of these counties, example given on geographical scope, seasonality, and different population characteristics. In this regard, Acted conducted a Cash Programming Review, to ascertain on the effectiveness and the efficiency of the cash assistance over the past four years.

Consolidated dataset in the past four years indicates that there is an improved food security among households receiving cash assistance. This is evident from better access to different varieties of food, a positive change on food frequency with different nutritional importance and a reduced severity on strategies adopted by the households to caution them on food insecurities. Similarly, cash assistance contributes to households’ subjective well-being through households’ indebtedness level and expenditure. Cash transfer is not reliable for saving as there is no significant impacts made on it.

Over the review period, cash assistance has been influenced by number of cash transfers cycles and household vulnerability as key variables.