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The State of the World’s Cash 2023 was commissioned and developed by CALP. A core research and writing team led the development of the report, working collaboratively with a huge number of people who provided invaluable input and support.

We thank the many individuals and organizations that generously contributed their ideas and time to the research process, including those who provided key informant interviews, responded to surveys, and facilitated or participated in the various consultation processes around the world. We have used all the information you provided, carefully triangulating information to generate the analysis in this report.

We are particularly grateful to the Advisory Group for their invaluable support in guiding the development of the report and reviewing drafts. The members are Alex Klass, USAID; Barnaby Willitts-King, GSMA; Carla Lacerda and Dina Morad, WFP; Kathryn Taetzsch, World Vision International; Louisa Seferis, independent; Nupur Kukrety, UNICEF; Orhan Hacimehmet, IFRC; Smruti Patel, Alliance for Empowering Partnership (A4EP); Stuart Campo, OCHA; and Wendy Fenton, ODI.

We also thank the members of the CALP Technical Advisory Group and other partners who assisted with the review of the draft chapters including Adva Rodogovsky, CBM; Alexa Swift-Reeves, independent; Amos Doornbos, World Vision International; Bronwyn Healy-Aarons, WFP; Niklas Riegler, Development Initiatives; Simon Reed, Iris Guard; and Sophie Tholstrup, independent.

We thank Development Initiatives for, once again, providing their essential expertise and support in data analysis, without which it would not be possible to provide the CVA volume data included in this report.

The core data collection team was Rory Crew, Kate Hart, Helene Juillard, Jose Jodar, Ruth McCormack, Calum McLean, Karen Peachey and Gaby Smith, with support from Sokhna Mbacke, as research assistant. The core writing team was Kate Hart, Ed Fraser, Ruth McCormack, Karen Peachey, Céline Sinitzky Billard and Gaby Smith, with contributions from Helene Juillard and Calum McLean.


This report would not have been possible without the efforts and inputs of all members of the whole CALP team around the world, with critical contributions at every stage. In addition, our thanks go to Isobel Wilson-Cleary for copyediting, Ric Allen for the report design, Four Media Group for their support on communications and marketing, Mounia Malki for the French translation, Lubna Jaber for the Arabic translation and Christina Po for the Spanish translation.


We would like to thank the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for their generous funding contributions that made this publication and associated resources, in their various languages, possible. The contents are the responsibility of the CALP Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of our donors.