Transferts monétaires à usages multiples
Les transferts monétaires à usages multiples sont des transferts monétaires non affectés que les personnes vivant en situation de crise peuvent utiliser pour couvrir leurs besoins essentiels. Par nature, il s’agit de la modalité d’aide qui offre le plus de choix, de flexibilité et de dignité aux bénéficiaires. De plus en plus de données montrent qu’il est plus pertinent en termes d’optimisation des coûts et de rapport coût/résultat de répondre à plusieurs besoins à la fois.
Cependant, cette modalité exige aussi des acteurs humanitaires qu’ils mettent en place de nouvelles manières de collaborer, à toutes les étapes du cycle de programme, et entre secteurs. Même s’il existe des outils fiables pour faciliter la collaboration, ils ne sont pas mis en œuvre à grande échelle et le recours aux transferts monétaires à usages multiples est encore ponctuel. Il reste à relever plusieurs défis si nous souhaitons intégrer efficacement les transferts monétaires à usages multiples au système humanitaire.
Contenu associé
Panier de dépenses minimum (MEB) – Outil de prise de décision
Guides et outils
Cet outil de prise de décision est fait pour accompagner les praticiens et les décideurs à travers les étapes clés du processus de calcul du MEB. Elle décrit les différentes étapes et approches possibles du processus d’élaboration du MEB, et donne des liens vers de nombreuses ressources complémentaires.
Orientations opérationnelles et boîte à outils pour les transferts monétaires à usages multiples
Guides et outils
Les présentes orientations opérationnelles et la boîte à outils qui l’accompagne réunissent une expertise mondiale sur les interventions monétaires. Elles apportent aux acteurs humanitaires des orientations complètes et pratiques afin d’évaluer la faisabilité des transferts monétaires, d’en déterminer la conception et d’en structurer la mise en oeuvre. Les...
Définition des Paniers de Dépenses Minimum (MEB) en Afrique de L’Ouest
Au cours de l’année 2017, 5 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest ont lancé un travail collectif de définition du panier de dépenses minimum, afin de mieux comprendre la contribution de l’aide humanitaire à la couverture des besoins de base des populations affectées et d’améliorer son impact. Ce processus, souvent fastidieux, a soulevé des défis techniques, mais également mis en...
Thematic lead
A case study of cash transfers in the Red Sea State of Sudan
Case Study
This case study looks at an Oxfam cash for work and cash for recovery programme in the Red Sea State of North Sudan. The report details the context, the response analysis, programme choice rationale, programme implementation details, the impacts and benefits, and highlights the lessons learned.
External Evaluation: Fresh Food Voucher Project by Action Against Hunger in Dadaab Refugee Camps, Kenya
The town of Dadaab in North Eastern Kenya is home to three refugee camps: Hagadera, Dagahaley and Ifo hosting over 240,000 people. The camps were established in mid-1992 after the closure of the Liboi camp, which was too close to the Kenya/Somali border to ensure adequate security. Continued insecurity in...
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence en milieu urbain: boîte à outils (Annexe 2)
Guides et outils
Cette boîte à outils a été rassemblée dans le cadre de la recherche “Les transferts monétaires en situation d’urgence urbaine“. Vous pouvez soit télécharger l’ensemble de la boîte à outils (fichier .zip) soit sélectionner un outil de la liste ci-dessous: Outil 1: Exemple de...
Beyond Banks: Cash Transfers 2.0 – Electronic payments technology in humanitarian assistance in Kenya
This article in Monday Developments Magazine (June 2011) looks at how the emergence of new technologies in the financial sector in Kenya – namely remote banking and mobile phone banking – have the potential to enable aid organisations to delivery money to unprecedented numbers of people, with record...
Cash for Shelter Program – Hurricane Richard 2010
A beneficiary satisfaction and impact evaluation of IFRC’s Cash for Shelter Program that ran in response to Hurricane Richard, a category 2 Hurricane Richard that made landfall 20 miles southwest of Belize City on October 24, 2010. The established goal of the BRC program was a faster recovery of the...
Somalia CBGWG Terms of Reference
Policy paper
The terms of reference of the Somalia Cash Based Response Working Group.
Cash transfer mechanisms and disaster preparedness in the Philippines
The use of cash to deliver assistance in case of humanitarian emergency remains a relatively new approach in the Philippines, and aid agencies are at the early stages of developing guidelines, policies and organizational capacity to implement cash projects. Project managers lack support and guidance with...
Richer but Resented: What do cash transfers do to social relations and does it matter?
This paper looks at how social protection cash transfers are evaluated primarily in terms of poverty reduction or human capital, with their impact on social relations being under-examined. The authors examine case studies from Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe, and argue that the impact of cash transfers on...
Evaluation of Livelihoods Projects Sri Lanka Tsunami Specific Plan
Spanish Red Cross has wide experience in livelihoods programming mainly in South America and South Africa over the last twenty years. However the projects that were developed in response to the impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami were the first time that the SRC used cash grants as a modality for its...
Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO
An overview of discussions of the Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO – Niamey 09 &10 Dec 2010.
Minimum Economic Recovery Standards
Guidelines and Tools
The Minimum Economic Recovery Standards articulate the minimum level of technical and other assistance to be provided in promoting the recovery of economies and livelihoods affected by crisis.
Programme de coupons produits alimentaires frais, dans le cadre de la réponse d’urgence au séisme, Port-au-Prince, Haïti
ACF est intervenue rapidement après le séisme qui a frappé Port au Prince le 12 janvier 2010 à travers une approche multisectorielle Sécurité Alimentaire/Eau & Assainissement/Nutrition pour répondre aux besoins immédiats de la population de Port-au-Prince et des communes environnantes. La...
Evaluation of Zimbabwe’s Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Programme
Case Study
Concern Worldwide have been delivering food aid in three rural districts of Zimbabwe (Gokwe North, Gokwe South and Nyanga) since 2002 as part of the World Food Programme’s (WFP) Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) programme. The VGF provided a monthly food bundle of 10kg staple, 1kg beans and 600ml oil per...
Catholic Relief Services Indonesia West Sumatra Transitional Shelter Program
This evaluation report looks at CRS’ shelter programme in West Sumatra following an earthquake, which used cash grants to assist households to build safe, adequate, comfortable and durable transitional shelters. The report gives an overview of the programme and presents the findings from a comprehensive...
Inter-Agency Impact Assessment of the Cash Transfer Programs in West Sumatra
Case Study
Following the 2009 earthquake in West Sumatra, cash transfer programming (CTP) has proven successful in delivering a fast and effective recovery response—providing households the opportunity to recover shelter and basic needs for their livelihoods. Success of these CTPs has been supported well by the...
Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme: Monitoring Consolidated Report, November 2009 to March 2010
Case Study
Concern Worldwide Zimbabwe together with WFP implemented the Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme in three districts of Zimbabwe as part of the Vulnerable Feeding Group intervention for the food shortages of 2009/2010. In spite of its limited duration (5 months), the ZECT was highly...
The Impact of Cash Transfers on Local Markets: A Case Study of Unstructured Markets in Northern Uganda
Case Study
This report explores the effects of cash transfers on local markets. It tests the hypothesis that ‘cash transfers to poor households lead to integration of markets in remote areas and strengthen existing well-integrated market systems’. To test the hypothesis, a case study was conducted in Northern...
Programme Evolution, Planning and Implementation: Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme
Case Study
The aim of this document is to draw lessons from the Zimbabwe Emergency Cash Transfer (ZECT) Pilot Programme evolution, planning and implementation. Since this was a pilot programme, documentation of the process of its development was viewed as a crucial programme output. The target audience for this...
Enterprise Recovery Following Natural Disasters
Using data from surveys of enterprises in Sri Lanka after the December 2004 tsunami, the authors undertake a microeconomic study of the recovery of the private firms in a developing country following a major natural disaster. Disaster recovery in low-income countries is characterized by the...
Paying attention to detail: How to transfer cash in cash transfers
This policy working paper looks at various delivery mechanisms which can be used to transfer cash to people in cash interventions. It discusses how these affect the costs, and the barriers, faced by those receiving cash as well as the costs and risks to implementing agencies of successful programme...