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Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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241 – 260 sur 491 résultats

Monitoring 4 CTP: Monitoring Guidance for CTP in Emergencies

Guidelines and Tools

This guidance provides a central resource to promote a common understanding of the most important monitoring considerations for humanitarian projects using cash transfer programming (CTP). The primary audience for this guidance is field-level practitioners, from organisations directly involved in the...


Improving Uptake of Multi-Sector CTP in West Africa: Learning Event Report


In December 2017, the CALP Network and the IRC came together to organize a two-day learning event to align understanding and share experiences of countries working on the definition of Minimum Expenditure Baskets, and to contribute to bridging capacity gaps in Market Analysis, a critical step for CTP...


Feasibility of Multi-purpose Cash Transfers in N’Guigmi


This assessment was conducted by World Vision’s Emergency Program in the Lake Chad Basin. The objective was to: 1) Do a comprehensive needs assessment of the affected populations in the area, 2) Specify the amount of the minimum expenditure basket 3) Evaluate the market capacity and feasibility of...


CTP in the Ethiopia Drought Response: Using Learning to Shape Action


This workshop, convened by the CALP Network and the Ethiopia Cash Working Group, reflected on the use of cash transfers in the 2017 drought response. Key findings were: Cash helped address immediate needs and contributed to meeting some of the drought response objectives. There were significant...


Fitting aid to context: community experiences of aid delivery in northern Syria


The ongoing conflict in Syria has left 13.5 million Syrians in need of humanitarian assistance. Several local and international organisations provide aid to northern Syria, but their chosen modalities fail to effectively meet community members’ needs.  While aiming to respond to immediate short-term...


Aid in context: the importance of market-based approaches to aid delivery in northern Syria


With the Syrian conflict now in its seventh year, 13.5 million Syrians need humanitarian aid. But aid in northern Syria focuses inflexibly on food kits that are expensive to administer, designed to satisfy short-term needs. Many people sell their food aid to pay for other urgent needs. This


Interim Guidance Note on Determining Cash Transfers Values for Food Security

Guidelines and Tools

The objective of this guidance note, as laid out in the Terms of Reference, is to: Leverage FSC partners’ knowledge and experience to develop guidance on cash transfer value logic for both unconditional and relevant food security cash for work/assets3 programming. It focusses on acute food insecurity...


Improving the Uptake of Humanitarian Market Analysis

Guidelines and Tools

Market assessments and market-based programming are now widely considered best practice in humanitarian programming, especially among food security and livelihoods actors. They are embedded in various standard-bearing initiatives, and there are a number of tools for emergency market analysis and...


Mobile Money in Somalia – Household Survey and Market Analysis


Key findings from an assessment of mobile money in Somalia. Provides information about mobile money penetration; practicalities; usage; perceptions and the use of shillings versus dollars.


Karamoja Market Assessment


A market assessment of the feasibility of cash transfers in the Karamoja region – Executive summary


Checking Back – Using Cash and Vouchers in Somalia: Recommendations from the 2011-12 Somalia Drought Response


This paper brings together recommendations from some of the key reports and evaluations from the 2011 Somalia drought response. The process of preparing this paper involved reviewing 17 reports and identifying five that had recommendations which could be useful for all agencies involved the current...


Multisectoral Basic Needs and Market Assessment Moyo Uganda


A multisectoral basic needs and market assessment done in Palorinya settlement and the host communities within Moyo district. Focuses are on basic needs and cash feasibility, the education system gaps, the firewood issues and access to loans and credit.
Data were gathered in December 2017, with...


Rapid Market Assessment Sofala Province, Mozambique


The joint TDY between USAID/FFP and FEWS NET Mozambique to Sofala Province, Mozambique had two distinct objectives: 1) Assess current food security and market conditions including: a) Scale of humanitarian assistance relative to needs
b) Understand maize market structure, conduct and performance


Using Cash and Vouchers in Somalia in 2017: The Need to Build on Learning from the 2011-12 Somalia Drought Response


During the 2011-12 drought response in Somalia, cash and vouchers were distributed at scale – a response that was unusual in such a context at that time. In 2017 cash is accepted as highly appropriate and is a major part of response plans. While it may not always be possible to apply all best...


Renforcer L’Utilisation des Transferts Monetaires Multisectoriels en Afrique de L’Ouest


En décembre 2017, le CALP Network et IRC se sont réunis pour organiser un atelier d’apprentissage de deux jours afin d’harmoniser et de partager les expériences des pays travaillant sur la définition du panier de dépense minimum et de combler les lacunes existant sur l’analyse de marché, qui...


Informe de Evaluación Rápida de Mercados (RAM) – Pedernales, Ecuador, Terremoto 16 de abril 2016


Este análisis se enfocó principalmente en un producto – la caña guadua. Este producto se seleccionó, ya que dado sus características sismo-resistentes se prevé un posible aumento en la demanda de caña guadua para la construcción, reparación y reforzamiento de viviendas en las zonas afectadas....

5 décembre 2016

Multi-Sector Market Environment Analysis – Haiti. To what extent can markets meet the basic needs of the population affected by Hurricane Matthew


Relief interventions in Haiti, including those to the 2010 earthquake, have been criticised for their (potential) harmful effect on the national market systems (ALNAP 2011 Humanitarian Coalition 2012). This multi-sector report intends to strengthen the understanding of the market environment in the...

October 2016

Cash Transfers in Remote Emergency Programming

Guidelines and Tools

In emergencies with significant access challenges for humanitarian actors, the use of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) has great potential to help provide life-saving support to the most vulnerable people. CTP may not require a heavy and consistent staff presence, is not subject to the same logistical...

August 2016

Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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