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361 – 380 sur 396 résultats
Economic Impact Study: Direct and indirect impact of the WFP food voucher programme in Jordan
The intent of this study is to estimate the economic benefits of the food voucher programme implemented by the World Food Programmeme (WFP) for Syrian refugees in Jordan. The study employs a two pronged approach whereby the first component provides an analysis of the supermarkets that participate in...
Réduire la pauvreté et investir dans le capital humain : le nouveau rôle des filets sociaux en Afrique – Études de cas dans 22 pays
La stratégie de protection sociale de la Banque mondiale pour l’Afrique de 2012 à 2022 met en lumière la nécessité d’établir une base factuelle solide pour étayer la préparation et la mise en œuvre de programmes de protection sociale sur ce continent. Depuis 2009, la Banque mondiale a...
Document de reference sur les programmes de transfert monetaire en Mauritanie
Pour susciter les échanges entre intervenants et contribuer à harmoniser les interventions, Oxfam a initié une étude de capitalisation afin de produire un document de synthèse des approches des ONG utilisant l’outil cash transfert dans des programmes de sécurité alimentaire en Mauritanie. Le...
Development of a Framework for Multipurpose Cash Assistance to Improve Aid Effectiveness in Lebanon: Support to the Market Assessment and Monitoring Component
The objective of the three market assessments presented in this report is to provide the interagency cash transfer programming working group (CTPWG) with meaningful and actionable information on the market impact of cash assistance in Lebanon. This report is also intended to inform decision making on...
Effects of the Palestinian National Cash Transfer Programme on Children and Adolescents
Over the past two decades, social protection programmes have been implemented in many developing countries to reduce poverty and vulnerabilities in the face of context-specific challenges such as economic crises,inequality and exclusion, and human development deficits. The multidimensional...
Cash Transfers and HIV Prevention
This paper proposes some initial principles on how to optimize HIV impacts of cash transfers, by encouraging targeting that: focuses on communities with high rates of new HIV infections, particularly acquired via sexual transmission; reduces local or community levels of economic inequalities between men...
Étude de cadrage: les transferts monétaires d’urgence dans les secteurs WASH et du logement
Ces dernières années, les discussions au sujet des transferts monétaires ont cessé de remettre en cause la validité de la distribution d’argent et de coupons en tant que modalité d’intervention, comme c’était le cas initialement. Aujourd’hui, leur valeur ajoutée dans les contextes...
Disaster Response: Mobile Money for the Displaced
Advances in mobile technology have opened up new opportunities, not only for communication, but also for using the mobile handset as a platform for a range of applications. The introduction of data transfer facilities and the rise of mobile financial services around the world have allowed mobile money...
Economic Impact Study: Direct and Indirect Effects of the WFP Value-Based Food Voucher Programme in Lebanon
This study examines the direct and indirect impacts of WFP’s e-card programme on the Lebanese economy. It is part of a broader United Nations initiative to assess the economic impacts of humanitarian assistance in Lebanon. The e-card programme is an important element of the international humanitarian...
Cross-Sector Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Lebanon: An IRC programme
This case study illustrates the challenges encountered and successes achieved during the implementation of cross sector cash transfer programming (CTP) in Lebanon. It examines issues including tensions between host and refugee households, the use of ATMs, market analysis and monitoring and evaluation.
Etude de la vulnérabilité à l’insécurité alimentaire des ménages pauvres – République Islamique de Mauritanie
La Croix Rouge Française a lié un partenariat avec Montpellier SupAgro / Institut des Régions Chaudes (IRC) dans le but de mettre en oeuvre un projet de recherche / action. Le projet de Transfert Economique et Social (TES) vise l’expérimentation de transferts monétaires dans une commune de la...
Examining Protection and Gender in Cash and Voucher Transfers
With cash and voucher transfers increasing as a form of humanitarian assistance, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) teamed up to study the potential protection and gender impact of such transfers. While much research had been done about economic and market impacts of cash and...
Analyse coût-bénéfice des actions d’atténuation de Cash For Work menées en phase précoce
OXFAM a mis en œuvre une étude sur l’analyse coût-bénéfice des actions d’atténuation menées en phase précoce, (avant l’entrée dans le pic de la crise). Cette étude, lancée en décembre 2011 a couvert 4 de ses pays d’intervention dans le Sahel Ouest-africain (Niger, Tchad, Burkina et...
Rôle des mobilités saisonnières dans l’économie des ménages pauvres – République Islamique de Mauritanie
L’étude sur le rôle des mobilités saisonnières dans l’économie des ménages pauvres a été réalisée dans le cadre du projet de Transferts Economiques et Sociaux (TES) mis en oeuvre par la Croix Rouge française (CRF) et le Croissant Rouge mauritanien dans la commune de Tikwobra, Moughataa de...
Evaluation Study Support to Life’s Response to Syrian Refugee Crisis, 2012 & 2013
This report is part of enhancing Support to Life’s organisational learning on its Syrian Refugee Programme in Turkey. The specific objective of the evaluation is to present the findings on the achievements, quality and overall impact of Support to Life’s humanitarian response of the Syrian refugee...
Intervention prolongee de secours et de redressement 2013 en Mauritanie – volet transfert monetaires conditionnel en milieu rural captalisation (region du Brakna)
L’ONG AU SECOURS (Association Humanitaire pour l’environnement) a été retenue comme partenaire de mise en œuvre du volet «Transferts monétaires conditionnel en milieu rural» dans le cadre du projet financé par PAM/ en partenariat avec la Grande Bretagne, la Suède et le Danemark, d’appui aux...
Water Vouchers Evaluation Report, Gaza 2013
A participatory assessment on disaster risk reduction (DRR) was undertaken in GAZA governorate in 2011, OXFAM being the lead agency within the WASH cluster emergency response and preparedness in this area. Three vulnerable neighbourhoods (AL MALALHA, AL MOGRAGHA and AL ZARGA), were identified and an...
Occupations Under Fire: The labor market in a complex emergency
This paper examines the impact of conflict-induced population displacement on urban labor markets. Data from over 900 working-age individuals in Sudan indicates that long-term urban residents in conflict areas have a higher probability of being employed in skilled sectors relative to similar individuals...
Cash Voucher Programme: Review of voucher assistance as a safety-net transfer modality in the Gaza Strip
This review commissioned by Oxfam GB and WFP, looks at the effect of the Cash Voucher Project of WFP / Oxfam / Ma’an (CVP) on beneficiaries in Gaza. The review studies the impact on beneficiary diets and interviews beneficiaries to obtain their opinion on cash vouchers over in-kind food aid. The review...
Enhancing WFP’s Capacity and Experience to Design, Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate Vouchers and Cash Transfer Programmes: Study summary
With support from the Government of Spain, and in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) evaluated four pilot projects to assess the comparative performance of cash transfers, food payments, and vouchers on household food...