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Biweekly Factsheet on the Cash for Protection Taskforce (C4PTT) in Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries

22 avril 2022 — De Cash For Protection Task Team

This Factsheet collates key updates, findings and resources as drawn from Humanitarian Impact situation reports; minutes from the Cash Working Group (CWG), Protection cluster and sub-cluster/AoR meetings; IOM; UNHCR and other UN sources. It is produced on a bi-weekly basis for protection and cash and voucher assistance (CVA) specialists who are considering, planning for, or already using CVA integrated into protection programming to support protection outcomes for individuals and households inside and outside of Ukraine. Key findings are paired with “hints” wherever possible based on the current state of information and best practice resources on how CVA for Protection can be applied.
This factsheet aims at addressing Cash for Protection broadly and relies on the key information provided by the Task Team members as well as the relevant clusters, AoRs and working groups.