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Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord

Le CALP Network facilite la coordination et dispense un soutien technique et stratégique aux organisations mettant en œuvre des transferts monétaires ou réfléchissant à cette possibilité dans la région MENA. Le bureau régional du CALP Network pour la région MENA se trouve dans le bâtiment d’Oxfam International à Amman, en Jordanie.

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3201 – 3220 sur 3399 résultats

Public Health Agencies and Cash Transfer Programmes: Making the case for greater involvement

Policy paper

This report examines the case for greater involvement by public health agencies in cash transfer schemes, a form of welfare assistance. It seeks to identify opportunities, obstacles and actions that might support greater involvement. The issue arises because cash transfer schemes are an increasingly...


Cash Programming in Haiti – Lessons Learned in Disbursing Cash


The following report is the result of an initial 2 week mission to Haiti to investigate cash programming (including cash for work) amongst 17 organizations. It is not intended as an exhaustive review of 17 organizations’ practices, but attempts to look at what were some of the critical stages in cash...


Cash-based Responses in Emergencies


This short HPG briefing paper looks at the suitability of cash based responses in a range of emergency situations. It gives a rapid overview of recent cash based responses and examines the key issues around comparing cash and in-kind programmes. It briefly looks at the impact of cash, the issues of...


DFID Cash Transfers Literature Review


This paper provides a synthesis of current global evidence on the impact of cash transfers in developing countries, and of what works in different contexts, or for different development objectives. Cash transfers are direct, regular and predictable non-contributory cash payments that help poor and...


Seeking Acceptance: The Promise of Cash in High-Risk Areas


Somalia is one of the world’s most insecure states with a protracted conflict that continues to profoundly affect its civilians. Thirty-two percent of the Somali population – or 2.4 million of its 7.5 million people – is currently in need of humanitarian assistance (FSNAU, 2011a). The needs are...


Delivering Cash Through Cards – A Quick Delivery Guide (booklet)

Guidelines and Tools

A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cards (magnetic stripe or smart cards).  Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques.  It also provides practical implementation tips. This version...


Gender issues in Cash transfer programmes


Purpose of the study: To assess the changes in gender power relations within households and in the community, as a result of emergency cash transfer programmes. To review the processes followed by agencies in emergency cash transfer programming and analyse their adequacy from a gender perspective


Cash and Vouchers in Emergencies


This HPG discussion paper examines all aspects of using cash and vouchers to assist people in emergency situations. It provides a background to the literature and theory around cash and vouchers, looks at the current picture through selected examples and examines the decision making process on the...


Dawn in the City: Guidance for achieving urban refugee self-reliance


More than 50 percent of refugees live in urban areas. Eighty percent are hosted by developing nations, in cities ill-equipped to guarantee their protection. The majority are marginalized due to their legal, economic and social status. They frequently lack sufficient legal and social...



Guidelines and Tools

Protection mainstreaming is a practical, efficient and effective means to maximise the protective impact of aid programming. Through incorporating protection principles into aid design and delivery, humanitarian actors can:
Promote the human rights of affected populations
Enhance affected populations’...


Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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