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South Sudan Joint Markets Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) Workshop

28 February 2024


Application deadline: 27 February 2024

The South Sudan Cash Working Group in collaboration with REACH and the CALP Network East and Southern Africa Regional Office will hold a virtual workshop on Enhancing Market Monitoring in South Sudan on February 28, 2024 from 0900hrs EAT.

The South Sudan Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) plays a crucial role in providing consistent market data concerning the availability and price dynamics of essential goods. This information serves as a guide for market-driven interventions in South Sudan. Spearheaded by REACH, the initiative operates in synergy with numerous organizations within the South Sudan Cash Working Group (CWG).

The virtual workshop aims to enhance data coverage and quality of the JMMI through increased collaboration with partners.  The objectives of the workshop are to:

·       Increase Collaboration: To promote increased collaboration among CWG members and with REACH, enhancing the quality and coverage of data collected.

·       Empower Decision-Making: To use the insights generated from JMMI data to inform decision-making processes within the CWG and among organizations involved in cash and voucher assistance.

·       Share Knowledge: To provide a platform for organizations to share experiences, lessons learned, and best practices in JMMI data collection.

·       Address Challenges: To identify and discuss common challenges in the JMMI process and explore strategies to increase CWG members’ involvement in the data collection process.

The first part of workshop is open to South Sudan CWG members.  To register, please follow the link below. The meeting link will be shared with those participants who will register for attendance.

The second part of the workshop will only be open to organizations that are engage in the JMMI process and will delve deeper into sharing experiences and lessons learnt and avoiding pitfalls in JMMI data collection. Please contact the South Sudan CWG leads if you would like to participate in this session as well.