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Community Meeting to Shape the CVA Policy Dialogue

17-18 October 2023


Language: English

While the use of cash as part of humanitarian response has grown significantly in the last seven years, recent research shows that much more is required increase both the scale and quality of cash and voucher assistance (CVA). A new collective vision, along with renewed commitments, are essential to driving forward the development of cash and voucher assistance as a means of achieving more people-centered and effective aid.

In June, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and the CALP Network convened over 130 senior leaders to discuss the need for this collective vision. Nearly 80 organizations committed to engage in the process to shape a collective vision for the future of CVA. Following consultations with local actors in recent months, we invite all CVA stakeholders to join a community meeting to discuss the outcomes of the meeting and shape the way forward.

Join the event

Join us for a community meeting to learn more about this collaborative process and shape the way forward with CVA champions from across the network.


The event will be repeated twice on:

17 October at 8 am UTC. Asia-friendly time-slot with interpretation available in Arabic, English and French.

18 October at 3 pm UTC. Americas-friendly time-slot with interpretation available in English, French and Spanish.