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Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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241 – 260 of 480 resultados

Guía para la salvaguarda de la niñez en los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias

Guía y herramientas

El propósito de esta guía es determinar los posibles riesgos en materia de salvaguarda de la niñez asociados con los programas de transferencias monetarias y ofrecer ciertas sugerencias durante la gestión dichos programas, (haciendo hincapié en los métodos de seguimiento y mitigación) con el fin de...

1 marzo 2019

The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment


The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE...

February 2019

The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment – Summary Report of the Multi-Country Study


The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE...

February 2019

Cash Enthusiast’s Guide to Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week

Blog Post

The fifth Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) will be held at the International Conference Centre (CICG) in Geneva, Switzerland from 4-8 February 2019.

1 febrero 2019

Reflections and recommendations from evaluations of the 2017 CVA Somalia Drought Response


Improving our response to drought to avert crises through the use of cash and voucher assistance requires us to build on experience. This paper pulls together reflections and recommendations from a review of eight evaluation reports, reviews and studies that were conducted during or after the 2017 drought...


Can cash transfers in humanitarian contexts help prevent, mitigate, and respond to gender-based violence? A review of the evidence


Today, approximately 10 percent of humanitarian assistance globally is delivered via cash transfer programming (CTP) and cash is increasingly being scaled across the humanitarian system. Yet the use of cash within the protection sector trails behind the use of cash in all other sectors. Refugee and...


Introductory Research on the Feasibility of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Rural Fiji


This report presents the findings of a study into the general feasibility of using Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in responding to disasters in Fiji. The term “Cash and Voucher Assistance” or CVA, is used in the report in line with the the CALP Network definition, so it refers to programs where...


Cash transfer Programmes – Impact on Stunting and Financial Inclusion


This report focussed on evidence published in the last ten years (since 2009) on cash transfer programs’ impact on stunting and financial inclusion. The importance of maternal education on stunting emerged from the literature and warrants further investigation, which was outside the scope of this...


Kızılaykart Cash Based Assistance, Information Note


Following the first refugee wave in May 2011, refugees from Syria has continued to seek asylum in Turkey. As a result of the open-door policy between 2011 and 2015, Syrians were welcomed by the Turkish government and obtained legal status under temporary protection. Subsequently, Turkey is hosting more...


Syria Quarterly Humanitarian Response (Q1 January to March 2019)


Summary of the humanitarian aid delivered to beneficiaries in Syria during Q1 2019


Guide sur la sauvegarde des enfants dans les programmes de transferts monétaires

Guides et outils

L’objectif de ce guide est d’identifier les risques potentiels liés à la sauvegarde des enfants des les programmes de transferts monétaires et de fournir des suggestions sur la manière de les gérer (y compris le suivi et l’atténuation), afin que les enfants connaissent la plus grande...

1 enero 2019

Response Options Analysis Planning Guide

Guidelines and Tools

The inter-sector Response Options Analysis and Planning (ROAP) is a structured decision-making process, which draws from the information generated through a multitude of needs and operational environment assessments. The ROAP gives way to the selection of the most appropriate, operationally feasible and...


Building Evidence to inform the Effective Use of CASH and Voucher Assistance in Emergency Sanitation and Hygiene Programming


An analysis of 5 case studies of utilization of CASH/Voucher Assistance are presented and analysed in the attempt of building evidence on their utilization in emergency WASH Sanitation and HP programming. Findings and recommendations are provided on Coordination, Situation and Response Analysis, Program...


Cash for Latrines

Guidelines and Tools

This document provides guidance on how to use cash for latrines in camp settings. It highlights key lessons from different contexts and captures both cash specific recommendations and general guidance on latrine construction in one document.


Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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