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نتائج 81 من 100 – 267
Hoja de orientación sobre Asistencia Humanitaria en Efectivo y Cupones (AEC) del UNFPA: AEC y COVID-19
Guía y herramientas
Las mujeres y niñas afectadas por la pandemia de COVID-19 en contextos de crisis y desplazamientos podrían verse expuestas a mayores riesgos de violencia de género (VBG) y a mayores barreras financieras para acceder a atención y servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR). La AEC puede abordar...
Cash in a COVID-19 crisis: Adapting approaches to assisting Jordan-based refugees
Blog Post
How did cash actors delivering assistance to refugees in Jordan adapt to the COVID-19 crisis? What were the main challenges and did cash actors overcome these? Here to tell us more is André Dürr, an independent consultant specialising in cash transfers who recently carried out a study for the CALP Network.
User journeys of Syrian refugees receiving multi-purpose cash from WFP in Lebanon
Ground Truth Solutions, in collaboration with the Cash Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Organizational Network (CAMEALEON) have produced a report detailing the lived experiences or “user journeys” of Syrian refugees in Lebanon receiving multipurpose cash assistance from the World...
Adapting Humanitarian Cash Assistance in Times of Covid-19 and Economic Crisis: Comparative Learning from Lebanon and Jordan
This briefing note outlines key lessons that have been learnt in Lebanon and Jordan in adapting humanitarian cash assistance programmes over the past 18 months. The note draws from two briefings: Lebanon’s Pinning Down Moving Targets: adapting humanitarian cash programmes to the multi-pronged crises in...
Towards Shock-responsive Social Protection: Estimates from the COVID-19 Microsimulation in Pakistan
This report presents the methodology and results of a microsimulation based on a partial equilibrium modelling framework using nationally representative household-level data for Pakistan. The findings include an estimate of the potential impact of COVID-19 on poverty in the country based on a model that...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Sierra Leone
Despite the relatively limited restrictions in place in Sierra Leone to contain the spread of COVID-19, the pandemic is likely to have a staggering impact on poverty. This report documents how the Government of Sierra Leone used social protection programmes to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic...
Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Sierra Leone
This policy brief sets out recommendations to strengthen the social protection sector’s capacity to deliver routine social protection, as well as respond to future shocks more effectively. The recommendations are drawn from key learnings from the country research report and accompanying microsimulation...
Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Uganda
This policy brief presents highlights from the Uganda country case study on the social protection responses to COVID-19. The brief summarizes the key findings and sets out recommendations to strengthen the foundational social protection systems and enhance the ability of the sector to respond to future...
Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Kenya
This policy brief summaries the key findings and recommendations from the Kenya country case study on the social protection responses to COVID-19. The brief provides an analysis of the key enablers and constraints to the effective delivery of the social protection response in Kenya. The brief also...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Sierra Leone: Estimate from the microsimulation
This report presents the methodology and results of a microsimulation based on a partial equilibrium modelling framework using nationally representative household-level data for Sierra Leone. The findings include an estimate of the potential impact of COVID-19 on poverty in the country based on a model...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Uganda
The stringent lockdown measures and global economic slowdown, due to COVID-19, are likely to have a large impact on poverty in Uganda. This report documents how the Government of Uganda plans to implement an Urban Cash for Work Programme to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable populations....
Inclusive Information Systems for Social Protection: Intentionally Integrating Gender and Disability
Digital information systems serving the social protection sector, and especially social assistance, are increasingly prominent and will continue to be, as is the case within all other sectors. “Why? Because the ability of a country to care for its people and respond to their lifecycle needs depends on...
How Targeting Mechanisms Can Identify People With Disabilities for Inclusion in Social Protection Programmes
Guidelines and Tools
Persons with disabilities have worse education, health and employment outcomes and are more vulnerable to shocks than persons without disabilities. At the same time, they are less likely to be enrolled in social protection programmes, including those for which they are eligible. They can face significant...
COVID-19 and the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) and Conditional Cash Transfers for Education (CCTE) programmes
Guidelines and Tools
FCDO Turkey commissioned SPACE to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the principal cash vehicles active in Turkey: Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) and Conditional Cash Transfers for Education (CCTE) programmes, both funded by the EU through the EUR 6 billion Facility for Refugees in Turkey (FRiT)...
Étude de cas : Partage responsable des données avec les gouvernements
Ce document étudie diverses stratégies que les acteurs des transferts monétaires peuvent mettre en oeuvre pour atténuer les préjudices réels et potentiels auxquels le partage de données sur les bénéficiaires de transferts monétaires avec les gouvernements pourrait exposer les populations...
Étude de cas : gestion responsable des données et ciblage numérique à distance pendant la Covid-19
La pandémie de COVID-19 a éclaté début 2020 et a mis le monde sens dessus dessous. Fin 2020, l’OMS recensait quelque 75 millions de cas confirmés à travers le monde et 1,7 million de décès1. Contrairement à une crise « normale », la pandémie est mondiale par nature, touchant chaque pays à...
Case study: Responsible data sharing with governments
The COVID-19 crisis, widespread economic downturns and the loss of formal and informal employment have all contributed to accelerated linkages between CVA and social protection. Quarantines and lockdowns have also pushed humanitarians to incorporate more digital modalities into their work. As...
Case study: Data responsibility and digital remote targeting during COVID-19
Challenges due to the pandemic have led to all kinds of innovations and adaptations focused on remote targeting, enrolment, verification and delivery. While required for the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, these new approaches might be useful in future responses that require remote targeting and delivery, such...
Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Ethiopia
COVID-19 and national and international measures to curb its spread, may have pushed 15 million more people below the poverty line in Ethiopia. This policy brief draws on key learnings from the Ethiopia country case study, focused on the social protection response to COVID-19 and identifies...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Kenya
The stringent lockdown measures and global economic slowdown, due to COVID-19, are likely to push more than 2 million people into poverty in Kenya. This study documents the Government of Kenya’s social protection response to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic on vulnerable households and...