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نتائج 61 من 80 – 267

Cash and Voucher Assistance in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Lessons Learned from a CARE Multi-Country Program


CARE implemented a multi-country program with the aim of reducing the negative impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations, especially women and girls, using complementary and multimodal approaches, including the provision of cash and voucher assistance (CVA). Given the nature and scale of this program...

18 يونيو 2021

Les transferts monétaires dans la réponse à la pandémie de COVID-19 Leçons apprises d’un programme multi-pays de CARE


CARE a mis en œuvre un programme multi-pays, dans le but de réduire les impacts négatifs de la COVID-19 sur les populations vulnérables, en particulier les femmes et les jeunes filles, en utilisant des approches complémentaires et multimodales, y compris les transferts monétaires aux populations...

18 يونيو 2021

SPACE Summary Brief: What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection?

Guidelines and Tools

This paper, and the longer Technical Primer that accompanies it, are designed to inform discussions around financing shock-responsive social protection (SRSP). It starts by clarifying terms and providing a framing to guide approaches to SRSP financing. It then provides a high-level overview of current and...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Drivers of Timely and Large-Scale Cash Responses to COVID-19: what does the data say?

Guidelines and Tools

This note compares the experiences of 53 low- and middle-income countries to identify drivers of timely and large-scale government social assistance responses to COVID-19. The analysis covers cash responses only and focuses on the capacity of the social protection sector and beyond. It compares response...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Better responding to shocks through social protection: COVID-19 insights on identifying and responding to dynamic poverty


The Coronavirus pandemic has affected substantial proportions of the population raising questions about how social protection systems could be used to respond. One of the key policy questions emerging is how to deal with a sudden, large-scale increase in poverty levels. This paper relies on pre-existing...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection? (Summary Brief)


This paper, and the longer Technical Primer that accompanies it, are designed to inform discussions around financing shock-responsive social protection (SRSP). It starts by clarifying terms and providing a framing to guide approaches to SRSP financing. It then provides a high-level overview of current and...

31 مايو 2021

Social protection and climate change: scaling up ambition


Social protection can be a strategic tool for climate risk management and provides an important answer to the current calls for climate action and for increased resilience as we recover from COVID-19. The Paris Agreement demands rapid action to keep the average temperature from rising above 1.5 degrees,...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Gender and Social Protection in the COVID-19 Economic Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges


This paper analyses the potential contribution of social protection to a gender-transformative economic recovery over the medium term, defined as running from the present to the end of 2022. It builds on the existing Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 Expert (SPACE) advice publication; SPACE Social...

31 مايو 2021

SPACE Social protection and climate change: scaling up ambition (Summary Brief)


Climate change, once perceived as a long-term environmental issue, is now an immediate threat to safety and prosperity, especially for the most vulnerable people that are hit hardest by increasing weather extremes. The impacts cannot be managed just by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or by small tweaks...

31 مايو 2021

What are future financing options for shock responsive social protection? A technical primer

Guidelines and Tools

This paper aims to advance these discussions in a number of ways. As ‘financing for SRSP’ is understood differently by different people, it starts by providing greater clarity on what this term constitutes, and its relation to disaster risk finance. It acknowledges the broad potential remit of...

31 مايو 2021

Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic


Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic: In every context, strengthening the links between cash transfers, savings groups and digitisation contributes to resilient recovery from COVID-19. Representatives of...

17 مايو 2021

Cash and Voucher Programming in COVID-19, Lessons Learnt from Asia Pacific


COVID-19 has left an indelible adverse impact on all aspects of life not just health but also on livelihood, food security, protection, and many others. After the WHO declared a global pandemic in March 2020, World Vision mindfully scaled up its response to support most vulnerable households through...

12 مايو 2021

Transfer Values: How Much Is Enough? Balancing social protection and humanitarian considerations


This Operational Guidance paper follows on from two blogs published by SPACE on the subject of transfer values across the social protection and humanitarian nexus (here and here). This note dives even deeper into the topic, highlighting some key elements that could be considered when setting transfer...

30 أبريل 2021

Rapid Market Assessment and Price Monitoring Report – Huehuetenango Department Guatemala


Methodology: This rapid assessment of markets and prices was based on an adapted version of the IFRC’s Rapid Assessment for Markets, elements of the EMMA toolkit’s market system approach and the consortium of NGO’s price monitoring format. The methodology was chosen to give a basic and rapid...

21 أبريل 2021

مواءمة المساعدة النقدية الإنسانية في أوقات كوفيد19 :التجارب والتعلم من الأردن


يبحث هذا التقرير في كيفية تكيف الجهات الفاعلة في مجال النقد والقسائم بسرعة مع جائحة كوفيد-19 في الأردن للحد من مخاطر الانتقال ، وضمان تقديم الفوائد ، والحفاظ على التواصل...

12 أبريل 2021

Adaptation de l’assistance monétaire humanitaire en période de Covid-19 : Expériences et enseignements de Jordanie


La pandémie de COVID-19 et les décisions du gouvernement jordanien pour limiter sa propagation ont eu un impact énorme sur les vies et les moyens de subsistance des populations vulnérables en Jordanie, notamment des réfugié-e-s. L’assistance monétaire s’est révélée incontournable pour...

12 أبريل 2021

Adapting humanitarian cash assistance in times of Covid-19 – experiences and learning from Jordan


This webinar examined how cash and voucher actors rapidly adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan to reduce transmission risks, ensure delivery of benefits, maintain communication and accountability with refugee populations and meet increasing levels of need.  The national response to limit the spread...

12 أبريل 2021 12:00 / Join via Zoom Meeting / English

Adapting Humanitarian Cash Assistance in Times of COVID-19: Experiences and learning from Jordan


This report examines how cash and voucher actors rapidly adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan to reduce transmission risks, ensure delivery of benefits, maintain communication and accountability with refugee populations and meet increasing levels of need. The national response to limit the spread of...

12 أبريل 2021