الأبحاث الجارية
نتائج 1 من 5 – 5
CVA Practices with Afro-descendant and Indigenous Communities in the Americas
Ongoing research
There are two ethnic groups of great importance in the Americas: Afro-descendant and indigenous communities. Currently, there is no comprehensive compilation of the experiences of humanitarian actors working with these communities with CVA. Thus, recognizing the importance of addressing...
Anticipatory Cash and Voucher Assistance: Lessons and recommendations from the Asia-Pacific region
Ongoing research
Asia and the Pacific remain the most disaster-prone region in the world. The Asia-Pacific region is home to an estimated 70 percent of those affected by natural hazards. The region's meteorological, climatological, and hydrological disasters, such as heatwaves, droughts, floods, and...
Comparing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cash plus interventions in preventing acute malnutrition in Somalia
Ongoing research
Save the Children and Johns Hopkins University (JHU) are researching what combinations and durations of assistance are most effective and cost-effective to prevent severe and moderate acute malnutrition. To increase access to food and prevent wasting, Save the Children, funded by USAID’s Bureau for...
Providing Entrepreneurship Training and Cash Business Grants to Venezuelan Migrants in Peru
Ongoing research
More than 20,000 individuals across households who receive SC’s emergency cash support will be offered entrepreneurship training and grants. SC will randomly assign 2,700 individuals amongst those who expressed an interest to receive business trainings. Upon completion of these trainings, SC will invite...
DigCBA: Responsible Use of Digital Cash-based Assistance in Refugee Crises
Ongoing research
DigCBA aims to support the selection and the use of the most feasible and suitable digital technology for delivering CBA in the refugee crisis. The DigCBA’s objective is to develop a set of evidence-based frameworks to assess the contextual characteristics, evaluate the readiness of actors, and...