Atelier sur les Modalites des Transferts Monetaires en Reponses a des Situations D’urgence (Rapport de facilitation)
During the past last two years, partners in Madagascar have been supporting 13 different type of cash programs and have targeted about 1.2 million people. This multi-partner approach has created challenges for technical and institutional coordination. An emergency cash group was formed in 2016 under the overall umbrella of the Social Protection Thematic Group which was co-led by UNICEF and the Ministry in charge of social protection. This has strengthened coordination amongst partners; improved harmonization of programs; and created synergies with resilience programs and development-oriented cash transfer interventions.
The workshop has led to the adoption of the Cash in Emergency Principles in Madagascar to improve and strengthen the coordination of social protection interventions, particularly cash transfers in response to emergencies. They were developed in a participatory manner by cash group members. Lessons learnt of previous experiences were assessed and considered. This is an important step to be better prepared and respond to future emergencies, and contributes to the development of a shock-response social protection system to favor the optimal recovery of impacted families and populations.