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Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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Género e inclusión

El género, la edad, las capacidades y otras características individuales o específicas del contexto presentan diferentes oportunidades y retos para proporcionar PTM a las personas en crisis de forma digna.

Los agentes humanitarios reconocen cada vez más las necesidades y limitaciones específicas de las personas con capacidades diferentes, las personas mayores, las personas de distinto sexo, en particular las mujeres, y las personas en movimiento. Paralelamente, se aprecia cada vez más la necesidad de adoptar medidas adaptadas y sensibles que garanticen su inclusión efectiva.

Apoyar las necesidades de las diversas personas con PTM va más allá de convertirlas en un grupo objetivo; se trata de un compromiso significativo, un diseño y una implementación intencionados, y un ajuste del programa para satisfacer las necesidades de los diferentes grupos con dignidad. Los enfoques inclusivos van de la mano de la ayuda centrada en las personas.

Prioridades actuales

La CALP Network seguirá animando a los actores de los programas de transferencias monetarias a que amplíen su enfoque para ser más inclusivos y defiendan una comprensión más completa de cómo los PTM pueden ir más allá de la noción de “no hacer daño” para abordar adecuadamente las necesidades de personas diversas de manera segura y digna.

Trabajaremos para elevar las experiencias e iniciativas sobre PTM y género, PTM inclusivos de la discapacidad, trabajando con diferentes etnias e identidades culturales, grupos minoritarios, personas con diversas identidades sexuales y grupos de edad.

CALP también se esforzará por hacer su trabajo lo más accesible posible.

Últimos recursos

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Bangladesh


The Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) launched research to build an evidence base around connecting emergency electronic transfer (e-transfer) recipients with additional financial services. They wanted to learn if, when, and how e-transfers can promote sustained uptake and use...


Evaluation of the Kenya Hunger Safety Net Programme Phase 2


The report summaries key findings from Hunger Safety Net Programme Phase 2 Qualitative impact study conducted in August 2016. The report integrates interesting infographics that depict the findings in an easy to read and understand format


IOM Cash-Based Transfer – Update and Case Studies


Cash-based transfers have a long history in the support of people on the move. Cash or vouchers have been an element of the International Organization for Migration’s resettlement support for people moving to new countries, or returning to countries they had to leave. Increasingly over the last decade,...

November 2015

State of Evidence on Humanitarian Cash Transfers

Policy paper

The “State of evidence on humanitarian cash transfers” background note provides a brief summary of the evidence base on humanitarian cash transfer programming. The report also outlines the types of evidence on cash transfers, findings on key issues and gaps. This publication is an output of the...


A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas


Urban poor populations frequently experience disasters of varying typology and intensity. When set against a backdrop of poverty and marginalisation, their needs can be complex. As recent urban crises have pushed humanitarian agencies to respond in urban areas, this literature review examines the...


A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas: Annexes


Annexes to accompany the working paper ‘A review of evidence
of humanitarian cash transfer programming in urban areas”


Guide for Protection in Cash based Interventions

Guidelines and Tools

This guide identifies minimum necessary information and key resources needed to help humanitarian practitioners ensure that protection risks and benefits are considered and monitored throughout the cash-based interventions (CBI) program cycle, using a community-based approach and participatory methods as...


Feasibility of cash transfer modalities in refugee settlements


The main objective of this market assessment was to determine market functionality and the feasibility of cash transfer modality (and use of mobile money) among refugee settlements (Kyangwali, Kyaka II, Rwamwanja and Koboko) proposed for the cash transfer scale up in 2016. Survey households were randomly...


Integrating Gender throughout a Project’s Life cycle 2.0: A Guidance Document for International Development Organisations and Practitioners

Guidelines and Tools

The overarching premise of this document is that to conduct effective, responsible development work, incorporating gender at all stages of a project’s life cycle – from project design and proposal development to field implementation and monitoring, evaluation and learning – is critical. As such,...


Tips for Protection in Cash based interventions

Guidelines and Tools

This document presents a set of general tips to identify, monitor and mitigate protection risks and maximize protection benefits of cash-based interventions.  


Kenya Drought Response Evaluation Report – Focus on Marsabit and Baringo Counties


An evaluation of a drought response which involved school feeding, cash transfers and nutrition outreach activities.


Inclusive Cash for Work Programs: Building A Stronger, Safer Recovery for All


In the aftermath of a disaster, cash-for-work programs are an essential component of relief and early recovery efforts. These programs must be designed and implemented in ways that take gender and protection considerations into account. They must be accessible to women, men and older girls and boys. When...


Integrating Cash Transfers into Gender-Based Violence Programs in Jordan: Benefits, risks and challenges


With limited global practice and guidance on programming cash transfers to enhance protection in an emergency context, in 2013, the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) started cash transfer programming (CTP) as part of the urban Women’s Protection and Empowerment (WPE) program in Jordan. Three...


Cash Transfer Programming for Syrian Refugees: Lessons Learned on Vulnerability, Targeting, and Protection from the Danish Refugee Council’s E-Voucher Intervention in Southern Turkey


DRC Turkey is currently implementing a two-year, DFID-funded project that aims to provide immediate support to and strengthen the coping mechanisms of vulnerable non-camp Syrian refugees in southern Turkey. The first phase of the project focused on identifying and providing monthly cash transfers (in the...


The Impact of Cash Transfer Programmes on Protection Outcomes in Afghanistan


Although cash-based interventions (CBIs) are increasingly used to deliver humanitarian assistance in support of more traditional in-kind emergency distributions, there is now a growing, global acceptance among stakeholders of the need to pay closer attention to the positive and negative impact of CBIs on...


Violence Against Women and Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Contexts

Policy paper

This report addresses the known impacts of cash programmes on the incidence of violence against women in humanitarian contexts. Query: Known impacts of cash programmes on the incidence and effects of VAWG in humanitarian contexts What is the evidence base for this work in emergency settings? What is the...


Protection in Cash-based Interventions Training: Building capacity to maximize benefits and minimize risks

Guidelines and Tools

This participatory curriculum is based on the inter-agency Guide for Protection in Cash-based Interventions (CBIs). The one-day training provides practical instruction for analysing and monitoring protection risks and benefits in CBIs. Slides, facilitators’ guide, case studies, and other materials for...


Todo sobre los PTM: explicación de los programas de transferencias monetarias

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