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61 – 80 of 264 resultados
Impact Evaluation of Cash-Based Transfers on Food Security and Gender Equality in El Salvador
The El Salvador impact evaluation aims to understand the impacts of food-assistance for assets (FFA) programming targeting women on both income and asset loss, while also aiming to understand the longer-term implications of the response on gender equality and women’s social and economic empowerment Main...
دمج المساعدة النقدية في إدارة حالات العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي لدعم الناجيات في نينوى، العراق
بدعم من الوكالة السويسرية للتنمية والتعاون، تقود مفوضية النساء اللاجئات (WRC) ومنظمة كير مبادرة نيابة عن فريق عمل مجموعة الحماية العالمية المعنية بالتحويلات النقدية...
Delivering Better Together: Standard Operating Procedures for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
Delivering Better Together: SOPs for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance is a digital guide to all things cash and vouchers in Oxfam that can be downloaded to and accessed from a phone, tablet, or any other device. The SOPs focus on the basics of cash and vouchers, the use of it for...
Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias
Guía y herramientas
«Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias» es una guía digital sobre todo lo relacionado con los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) en Oxfam, que se puede descargar y consultar en un teléfono, una...
Respuesta a la violencia basada en género a través de los programas de transferencias monetarias
Grabación webinar
La violencia basada en género (VBG) está muy extendida: a nivel mundial, una de cada tres mujeres sufre algún tipo de violencia o abuso. La VBG está presente en los entornos humanitarios y las pruebas anecdóticas apuntan al aumento de la VBG desde el inicio de la pandemia a causa de...
The Effectiveness of Cash Assistance Integrated into Gender-Based Violence Case Management for Forced Migrants, Refugees, and Host Nationals in Norte de Santander, Colombia: A Quasi-Experimental Mixed-Methods Evaluation
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pressing concern for forced migrant and refugee women, girls, and individuals with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or sex characteristics (SOGIESC). They face exposure to and incidents of GBV before, during, and after a humanitarian crisis....
Eficacia de la asistencia en efectivo integrada en la gestión de casos de violencia de género para migrantes forzosas, refugiadas y ciudadanas del país de acogida en Norte de Santander (Colombia): Evaluación cuasi experimental de métodos mixtos
La violencia género (VG) es una preocupación apremiante para las migrantes forzosas y mujeres refugiadas, las niñas, y las personas con orientación sexual, identidad de género, expresión de género o características sexuales (SOGIESC, por sus siglas en inglés)
diversas. Estas se encuentran...
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune : Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’Oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune: Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires est un guide numérique sur tout ce qui concerne les transferts monétaires à Oxfam. Il peut être téléchargé et consulté sur un téléphone, une...
“Case Management Integrated with Cash Transfers is one of the Best Responses we can Use”
With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), CARE, and the Corporación de Profesionales para el Desarrollo Integral Comunitario [Corporation of Professionals for Comprehensive Community...
A roadmap for collective action to enhance the integration of cash and voucher assistance within gender-based violence programming in Northwest Syria
This case study highlights the practical importance of coordination between CVA and GBV actors at all levels and shows how working in silos is detrimental to assisting to the fullest extent possible women and girls affected by GBV. It documents the conditions that led to the creation of a joint taskforce...
إدارة الحالات المُدمَجة مع التحويلات النقدية هي إحدى أفضل الطُّرُق المُتاحة أمامنا للاستجابة
بدعم من مكتب المساعدة الإنسانية التابع للوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية (USAID)، عقدت شراكة بين مفوضية النساء اللاجئات (WRC)، ومنظمة كير، ومؤسسة المحترفين للتنمية...
Integrated Cash and Gender-Based Violence Programming for IPV Survivors in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Migrant and refugee women and girls are vulnerable to a range of risks before, during, and after humanitarian crises. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a type of gender-based violence (GBV) and is among the many protection-specific risks they face. As a result of the conflict in Venezuela, an estimated...
خريطة طريق لاتخاذ إجراءات جماعية من أجل تعزيز دمج المُساعدات نقداً وبقسائم ضمن برمجة التصدي للعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في شمال غرب سوريا
تسلط دراسة الحالة هذه الضوء على الأهمية العملية للتنسيق بين الجهات الفاعلة في مجال المساعدات النقدية والعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي على جميع المستويات، وتبين كيف...
A Gendered Analysis on Cash for Work Programming in Lahj Governorate
Cash for Work (CFW) programmes are designed to help the most vulnerable people meet their essential and basic needs. In Yemen, CFW interventions are responding to an ever-growing proportion of the Yemeni population that are in need of humanitarian assistance. Working with communities in the targeted areas...
MPCA Referral Mechanism to Sectoral Services in Iraq
Guidelines and Tools
This is a harmonised and inter-agency mechanism that allows referring MPCA beneficiaries to 5 critical sectors and its activities: Agriculture, Livelihoods, Health, Protection and Shelter. The aim is to provide more holistic support and enhance the impact of MPCA to vulnerable population.
Cash and In-Kind Transfers in Humanitarian Settings: A review of evidence and knowledge gaps
Over the past decade, humanitarian assistance and social protection have increasingly emerged as a policy response tool to support crisis-affected populations facing conflict or natural disasters. This paper presents a descriptive literature review of non-contributory humanitarian assistance interventions...
A Learning Paper on Gender Responsive Cash and Livelihood Programming in South Sudan
This paper captures learning outcomes from Islamic Relief South Sudan’s year gender-responsive relief assistance and community recovery integrated humanitarian response funded by Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (Sida). It particularly examines cash programming and livelihoods, to...
Field Handbook for Rental Housing Market Assessment – Latin America and the Caribbean
Guidelines and Tools
The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and REACH with the support of CashCap/NORCAP and the collaboration of the R4V Shelter Sector, established...
GBV Risk Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
This GBV-CVA Coordination Toolkit is a collection of handy tools to support humanitarian actors to mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) in cash and voucher assistance (CVA). Field oriented and pragmatic, these tools have been developed based on requests from CVA and GBV practitioners and have been...
What Does Gender-sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance Look Like? 2.0: Multi-Country Study
In 2019, CARE commissioned the study “What Does Gender sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance Look Like?” to evaluate the extent to which CARE’s programming with cash and voucher assistance (CVA) met the strategic intent. It guided the agency-wide definition and design of subsequent guidelines on...