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201 – 220 of 264 resultados
Sector Indicator Guidance for Programming
Guidelines and Tools
The country Programming Instructions that were sent to EU Delegations and HQ services in mid-May 2012 for the programming period 2014-2020, requested the EU Delegations and services to provide, in the second phase of the programming process, a description of specific objectives for proposed priority...
Policy Brief: Impacts of Unconditional Cash Transfers
This policy paper looks at a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the unconditional cash transfer program implemented by the NGO GiveDirectly in Western Kenya between 2011 and 2012, in which poor rural households received unconditional cash transfers through the mobile money system M-Pesa. Importantly,...
Cash Emergency Preparedness (CEP) Assessment: Myanmar
Cash transfer programming (CTP) in emergencies is not new in Myanmar, with the first examples going back at least to Cyclone Nargis in 2009. CTP has also been used in humanitarian settings such as Kachin State. However, CTP is not yet being widely used for the current conflict context in Rakhine State due...
Impact Evaluation: Evaluation of the impact of food for assets on livelihood resilience in Nepal
This evaluation, conducted by an independent team between January and July 2013, assessed the outcomes and impacts of the food-for-assets (FFA) components of two WFP programmes in Nepal: country programme (CP) 100930 (2002–2007) and protracted relief and recovery operation (PRRO) 106760 (2007–2010)....
Examining Protection and Gender in Cash and Voucher Transfers
With cash and voucher transfers increasing as a form of humanitarian assistance, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) teamed up to study the potential protection and gender impact of such transfers. While much research had been done about economic and market impacts of cash and...
Guidelines for Public Works Programmes: Cash‐, Voucher‐ and Food-for‐Work
Guidelines and Tools
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) manages public works programmes to provide transfers to vulnerable, food-insecure and/or crisis-affected households in return for the provision of labour (particularly through labour-intensive construction and...
Examining Protection and Gender in Cash and Voucher Transfers – Case studies of the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
In any humanitarian intervention – including those using cash and vouchers – assistance agencies need to identify the most appropriate, effective, and efficient way of helping crisis-affected households meet their needs. In doing so, they need to consider the protection and gender issues surrounding...
Cash Transfer Programming Toolkit
Guidelines and Tools
The Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) Toolkit is a basic guide to cash transfer programming in emergency response and early recovery settings. The publication is based upon best practiced and practical experience from Mercy Corps programmes. The Toolkit provides general guidance for CTP, as well as...
The Effect of Cash, Vouchers and Food Transfers on Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Northern Ecuador
Despite the pervasive and far reaching consequences of intimate partner violence (IPV), there is little conclusive evidence on policy instruments to reduce or prevent violence. Using a randomized experiment in Northern Ecuador, this study provides evidence on whether cash, vouchers and food transfers...
Comparative Review of Market Assessments Methods, Tools, Approaches and Findings
Guidelines and Tools
Against a backdrop of climate change, global economic crises and commodity market volatility, food security experts are increasingly interested in deepening their understanding of how markets work. In 2011, the CALP Network commissioned this study, which aimed to assess how we are currently analyzing...
Gender Impact Analysis: Unconditional cash transfers in South Central Somalia
The Cash Consortium is a group of four NGOs (ACF, Adeso, DRC and Save the Children) that came together in mid-2011 to coordinate their aid response and use unconditional cash grants to meet the basic food and non-food needs of the most vulnerable households in South Central Somalia. The primary objective...
Humanitarian Coalition East Africa Drought Appeal: Final Evaluation – Somalia
In 2011, Somalia suffered from one of the worst droughts in 60 years which left more than 13 million people in need of food, water and emergency healthcare. Canadian donors contributed $14 million to the Humanitarian Coalition’s joint appeal for East Africa’s drought of 2011. These funds helped to...
Humanitarian Exchange: Special feature. New learning in cash transfer programming
The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange, co-edited with Sarah Bailey and Breanna Ridsdel, focuses on new learning in cash transfer programming. While cash is now an accepted tool, and is increasingly being used in humanitarian response, most programmes are small and gaps in analysis and...
Cash, Food or Vouchers? An application of the market information and food insecurity response analysis framework in urban and rural Kenya
This paper uses the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework to analyze data on food market intermediation and on consumer behavior and preferences in order to clarify whether market-based cash and voucher programs are likely to prove effective for addressing food insecurity...
Les transferts sociaux dans la lutte contre la faim – Un instrument de référence pour les praticiens du développement
Le document de référence a été écrit en premier lieu pour les praticiens du développement et les administrateurs de l’aide opérant au sein des délégations de l’Union européenne et des bureaux pays des États membres. Il a pour but de fournir des connaissances de base — terminologie et...
Social Transfers in the Fight against Hunger: For better development outcomes and governance
A European Commission Reference Document aims to deepen the understanding of a concept, develop knowledge, provide orientations for aid implementation, and present good practices. This Reference Document is intended as a resource to support the practical integration of social transfers into programmes...
Cash-For-Work in Somalia: Linking relief to recovery
In complex emergency situations such as that in Somalia, marred by violence, destitution and famine, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has managed to implement a large cash-for-work (CFW) programme. The programme provides emergency relief while building the base for...
Cash and Child Protection: How cash transfer programming can protect children from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence
Guidelines and Tools
This discussion paper examines the links between cash transfers and the positive and negative outcomes for children – in particular, the role cash transfers have played in protecting children from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. It aims to identify ways in which cash transfer activities could...
Integrating Protection/GBV Mitigation into Livelihoods Programmes
Guidelines and Tools
The Women’s Refugee Commission has been researching and promoting how to make economic programs for displaced and returning populations both effective and safe. Our findings have shown that new economic opportunities can increase women’s and girls’ risk of gender-based violence (GBV) but that...
Impact Evaluation of Cash, Food Vouchers, and Food Transfers among Colombian Refugees and Poor Ecuadorians in Carchi and Sucumbíos
This report is the final impact evaluation of the World Food Programme’s Food, Cash, and Voucher intervention and contains analysis on outcomes including food security, social capital, anemia, and gender issues. Due to the targeting of Colombian refuges and poor Ecuadorians in Northern Ecuador, it also...