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Sharing What Works – Working with payment service providers (PSPs)
A handy tool on choosing payment service providers for delivering cash transfers developed by WFP Zambia. Mobile money and m-banking are now providing unprecedented opportunities to enhance programming within the WFP through cash and vouchers delivery mechanisms. Often in this context providers are...
Good Practice Review 11: Cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
The GPR is intended for humanitarian practitioners who plan and implement emergency responses – both those who are already familiar with cash-based interventions and those who are not. It synthesises cash transfer guidelines, highlights lessons from evaluations and adds practical examples drawn from...
Evaluation Report Fresh Food Voucher – ACF Santa Cruz, Bolivia
This report presents and discusses the results of a pilot study to deliver vouchers, which can be exchanged for fresh foods, to indigenous communities in rural areas of the Bolivian Chaco. This intervention is meant as an emergency measure as a result of the prolonged drought that had endangered the food...
Revue des bonnes pratiques : programmes de transferts monétaires en situations d’urgences
Guides et outils
Cette Revue est destinée aux professionnels humanitaires qui planifient ou mettent en œuvre les interventions d’urgence – à la fois ceux qui sont déjà familiers avec les transferts monétaires, et ceux qui ne le sont pas encore. La Revue synthétise les directives des...
Trading in Turbulent Times: Smallholder maize marketing in the Southern Highlands, Tanzania
The short-run effects of the 2007/2008 global food crisis on semi-subsistence farmers’ well-being in low-income countries depends on whether they are net sellers or net buyers of the affected commodities. Realizing that farmers face volatile prices over the course of an agricultural year, this study...
Pakistan Emergency Food Security Alliance: Lessons Learned
In response to the unprecedented scale of flooding that affected Pakistan in July 2010, six INGOs – Save the Children, Oxfam GB, IRC, CARE, ACTED and Action Against Hunger / ACF International – formed the Pakistan Emergency Food Security Alliance (PEFSA). Working together in order to maximize the...
WFP 2nd Global Workshop on Cash and Vouchers
Executive Summary The 2nd Global Cash and Vouchers Workshop in Rome 22-23 November 2010, was convened jointly by the Programme Division (ODX) and the Policy Planning and Strategy Division (OEDP), one year following the 1st Global Cash and Vouchers Workshop convened in Johannesburg 17-19 November 2009. The...
Projet d’Appui à la Sécurité Alimentaire au Nord – Est du Mali (PASA – Mali – III): Rapport final de l’activité de Cash For Work (CFW)
En réponse à cette situation dégradée et à l’insécurité alimentaire dans la zone, ACF a été amenée à proposer une activité de Cash For Work (ou argent contre travail) dans le cadre du Projet d’Appui à la Sécurité Alimentaire au Nord – Est du Mali (PASA – Mali – III subventionné...
Cash Transfer for Protection of Blanket Feeding: Maradi and Tahoua regions
The Project ‘Cash Transfer to Protect Blanket Feeding’ in Niger was launched by UNICEF in June 2010. The Project was a direct response to the growing evidence that blanket supplementary feeding rations distributed to children of 6 to 23 months of age in food insecure communities were consumed by older...
Local and Regional Procurement of Food Aid in Uganda: The Experience of Maize Traders
Local and regional procurement (LRP), the purchase of foods for food assistance in or near an affected region, is growing in importance in the world of food assistance. Food aid has been traditionally “tied,” which is to say contingent on sourcing in donor countries. The political climate in...
Natural Disasters: What is the role for social safety nets?
This paper makes the case for why safety nets are an important tool for managing the risk of natural hazards. The use of safety nets is advocated both ex ante, to prevent and mitigate the impact of natural disaster and ex post, to cope with the impacts of natural shocks. Firstly, the paper explores the...
Can you text me now? Mobile money transfer in Niger
This case study looks at Concern Worldwide’s ground breaking project using a new mobile money transfer system in Niger, following the severe drought of 2009, to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technology in supporting vulnerable groups to access their basic needs. This very brief document looks at...
Cash Preparedness in Vietnam
A presentation from the the CALP Network Global Learning Event, addressing Save the Children’s Preparedness in Vietnam Bangkok, February 16-17, 2011. Topics include: Emergency preparedness Cash intervention design Lessons learned
Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI): Fafi District – Garissa County – North Eastern Kenya
The Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI) was implemented by Horn Relief with funding from OFDA. The Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI) took place between January 2010 and April 2011; it was designed to address the immediate food security needs of the drought-stricken population...
Cash-for-Work in Urban Setting: a Guinean experience
Action Against Hunger-Spain (ACF-E) is implementing a project to support low-income populations in urban areas of Guinea. This case study focuses on the organization of cash-for-work with a focus on sanitation and more specifically solid waste collection. The project specific objective is to reduce...
The Voucher programme in the Gaza Strip – Mid-term review
The WFP voucher project is part of the emergency operation (EMOP 10817.0) to assist the recovery of the population affected by the conflict in Gaza Strip. WFP emergency operation has the following objectives: Meet urgent needs and improve the food consumption for conflict-affected people targeted...
Le cash-for-work en milieu urbain 2009-2011: Une expérience Guinéenne
Cette étude de cas se penche sur les projets financés par ECHO pour des projets d’argent contre travail (cash for work) réalisée par Action Contre la Faim pour soutenir les populations à faibles revenus dans les zones urbaines de la Guinée. Le programme avait pour objectif d’augmenter le revenu...
Cash Transfer Programme West Sumatra Earthquake Response
A presentation addressing the Cash Transfer Programme of the West Sumatra Earthquake Response. Includes slides on: Project design and post distribution monitoring. Presented by : Puspasari Indra East Asia Regional Technical Coordinator
EMMA – Wajir, Kenya
Mercy Corps conducted an adapted Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA) assessment in Wajir County of Kenya from 2-6 August 2011. The assessment was organized as a response to the hunger crisis resulting from the worst drought in the region in the last 60 years. The EMMA methodology was adapted...
Beyond Banks: Cash Transfers 2.0 – Electronic payments technology in humanitarian assistance in Kenya
This article in Monday Developments Magazine (June 2011) looks at how the emergence of new technologies in the financial sector in Kenya – namely remote banking and mobile phone banking – have the potential to enable aid organisations to delivery money to unprecedented numbers of people, with record...