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Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI): Fafi District – Garissa County – North Eastern Kenya

2011 — By Schira G.

The Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI) was implemented by Horn Relief with funding from OFDA.

The Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI) took place between January 2010 and April 2011; it was designed to address the immediate food security needs of the drought-stricken population of Fafi District in North Eastern Kenya.

The goal of the project was to reduce the effects of the drought by:
1. Enhancing the purchasing power of the 2,000 most vulnerable households through a combination of Cash Relief distribution and Cash for Work (CfW) activities.

2. Increasing accessibility to safe water and sanitation practices through the CfW micro-projects outputs and through Hygiene promotion for 14,000 people.

As Horn Relief cash based programming was a new approach brought to the North Eastern context in Kenya, a third objective was set:

3. To coordinate the sharing of information on cash based programming.

The expected result of the project was the restoration of pastoral livelihoods and enhanced household food security.