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Delivering Cash Through Traders: A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through local traders. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas: Review of Urban Humanitarian Challenges in Port-au-Prince, Manila, Nairobi, Eldoret
Following recommendations of the IASC Task Force on MHCUA, Nairobi, Eldoret and Manila and Port au Prince were adopted as representative case studies. They reflect recent and different types of sudden onset emergencies and disasters (urban violence, severe flooding and hurricanes, earthquakes) impacting...
Cash transfers for livelihoods in Eastern Sri Lanka
This case study looks at the British Red Cross’ intervention in Eastern Sri Lanka, following the Tsunami, whereby resettled households were provided with the cash equivalent of a food ration in order to bridge the gap before the next harvest and resumption of livelihood activities. The paper discusses...
Learning from Cash Responses to the Tsunami: Issue Paper 6: Monitoring and Evaluation
This is the last of six issue papers which form part of a project to document learning around cash-based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide. This Issue Paper focuses on the question of...
Ready or not? Emergency cash transfers at scale
Whilst there is significant experience of implementing cash transfer programmes (CTP) in emergencies this has seldom been at a scale comparable to in-kind responses. A number of critical gaps and blockages standing in the way of scaled up programming in the wake of a disaster have been identified...
Niger: Unconditional cash transfers in Tanout
This case study documents the one time unconditional cash transfer programme carried out by the British Red Cross, for households vulnerable to food insecurity, as part of its overall emergency and recovery project following the 2004/5 Food crisis in Niger. It details the context, situational analysis,...
Evaluation of OGB and HR Cash Consortium in Southern Somalia
In response to the humanitarian emergency of 2006 in southern Somalia, a consortium of five agencies – Oxfam GB, Horn Relief, AFREC, WASDA and Development Concern – implemented the Emergency Drought Response Action (EDRA) programme. This was a cash-based intervention using an innovative approach with...
Cash transfer programming in emergencies: The Cash Learning Partnership’s 5th Global Learning Event
The CALP Network’s 5th Global Learning Event was organised in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The learning event took place in Nairobi, Kenya, and focused on three topics of emerging importance not only to cash transfer programming, but to...
DFID Cash Transfers Literature Review
This paper provides a synthesis of current global evidence on the impact of cash transfers in developing countries, and of what works in different contexts, or for different development objectives. Cash transfers are direct, regular and predictable non-contributory cash payments that help poor and...
DG ECHO perspectives on Cash Transfer Programming
A presentation accompanying the CALP Network global learning event, Bangkok 16th February 2011, covering the following topics: DG ECHO position on the use of Cash &Vouchers (C&V) Trends in funding C&V projects Using C&V at scale: the case of Haiti Capacity building priorities
Rapport mémoire de l’activité de cash for work/cash for training dans le département de Mayahi en appui au Plan de Soutien du Gouvernement
La campagne agricole 2009-2010 au niveau national en général et régional en particulier a été caractérisée par un déficit céréalier qui a conduit le gouvernement nigérien à élaboration un plan de soutien aux populations vulnérables et à demander l’appui des différents partenaires en vue...
Gaza Urban Voucher Programme (UVP) and Rabbit Raising Intervention
This case study looks at an Oxfam commodity voucher programme which supported households to improve their access to food, as well as a rabbit rearing intervention to help protect the livelihoods of unemployed people in the Gaza. The document looks at the rationale for programme choice, the project...
Cash Transfers in Emergencies Good Practice Review: Presentation
Powerpoint presentation on the then-forthcoming Good Practice Review on cash transfer programming in emergencies.
Q&A – Cash Transfers in South Central Somalia.
Context: In recent months, it has become clear that many populations in Southern Somalia are under increasing and severe food access stress. The situation has been further exacerbated by the absence of large-scale food aid, as well as rising global food prices, the worsening drought and its impact on...
Cash transfer mechanisms and disaster preparedness in the Philippines
The use of cash to deliver assistance in case of humanitarian emergency remains a relatively new approach in the Philippines, and aid agencies are at the early stages of developing guidelines, policies and organizational capacity to implement cash projects. Project managers lack support and guidance with...
IASC Evaluation of the Humanitarian Response in South Central Somalia 2005-2010
This independent report presented by DARA confirms that humanitarian aid in Somalia has saved thousands of lives between the years 2005 to 2010. The report is based on an evaluation of the humanitarian response in south-central Somalia and is one of the most comprehensive evaluations of aid in Somalia...
Intervenciones de Transferencias Monetarias
Este manual está dirigido principalmente a personas con poca experiencia en el tema de las intervenciones de transferencia monetaria, aunque los implementadores más experimentados la encontrarán igualmente útil. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar una guía práctica para el diseño, la...
Humanitarian Exchange No. 49: Unconditional cash transfers: Giving choice to people in need
This article in Humanitarian Exchange magazine (article begins on page 19) explains how Action Against Hunger has moved towards unconditional cash grants as a food security and livelihoods response in Northern Uganda. The article describes the technical features of the programme (transfer amount,...
The Haiti Earthquake: An Urban Solution
This case study looks at the Oxfam economic and livelihood recovery programme following the devastating earthquake in early 2010. A range of cash transfer programming was implemented after a detailed assessment was carried out. The report goes through the assessment stages, details the programme...
Integrated Community Based Response for Vulnerable Conflict and Flood Affected Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan
A presentation discussing objectives, modalities, target beneficiaries and best practices of integrated community-based response for vulnerable conflict and flood-affected population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.