المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض
المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض عبارة عن تحويلات نقدية غير مقيدة يمكن للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات استخدامها لتغطية احتياجاتهم الأساسية. بحكم طبيعتها، تعد المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض طريقة المساعدة التي توفر للناس أقصى درجة من الاختيار والمرونة والكرامة. وهناك أيضًا أدلّة متزايدة على أن تلبية الاحتياجات المتعددة أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة وفعالية من حيث التكلفة.
لكن هذا يتطلب طرقًا جديدة للتعاون بين الجهات الفاعلة في المجال الإنساني، في جميع مراحل دورة البرنامج وبين القطاعات. على الرغم من وجود أدوات قوية لدعم التعاون، إلّا أنه لم يتم تبنيها على نطاق واسع ولا تزال المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض مستخدمة بطريقة مخصصة. ولا تزال هناك تحديات يتعين مواجهتها إذا أردنا أن نلائم المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض بنجاح في النظام الإنساني.
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Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) Decision Making Tools
Guidelines and Tools
Update: This publication was revised in 2022. Please read the revised publication here.
The purpose of this tipsheet is to accompany practitioners and decision makers through key stages in the process of calculating an MEB to: (a)
identify what is the most appropriate path to take in relation to their
particular context, identified objective, existing capacities and available
resources; and...
Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Guidelines and Tools
This operational guidance and toolkit brings together worldwide expertise on cash-based interventions (CBIs). It provides comprehensive and practical guidance for humanitarian actors to assess the feasibility, conceptualise the design and structure the implementation of MPGs. The guidance focuses on MPGs whose primary objective is to meet basic needs as defined by affected people...
Definition of Minimum Expenditure Baskets (MEB) in West Africa
Throughout 2017, five countries in West Africa have worked collectively to define minimum expenditure baskets, in order to better capture the contribution that humanitarian assistance is making to address the basic needs of affected populations, and improve the impact of assistance. This heavy process raises technical and coordination challenges. The CALP Network, with support from USAID /...
Thematic lead
Save the Children Cash for Education Impact Evaluation in Malawi
Save the Children implemented a Catch-up Club (CuC) project, funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery (SPL), in 20 schools in Lilongwe, Malawi. CuCs are a short-term, data-driven intervention to build foundational skills in literacy, numeracy and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), during learning...
Literature Review: Unconditional CVA ‘plus’ SBC for nutrition outcomes
Over the years, CVA has gained attention in social protection schemes to improve child nutrition outcomes. While much of the existing evidence comes from conditional cash transfers, recent evidence demonstrates a push for more unconditional CVA. Evidence shows that nutrition-sensitive cash assistance can...
الاستجابة النقدية الإنسانية في غزة – تبادل الخبرات والدروس المستفادة
هذه الفعالية ستركز على الاستجابة النقدية الإنسانية في غزة، بالإضافة إلى الاستجابة في فلسطين ككل وسط الطوارئ المستمرة. سنستضيف منسقي مجموعة العمل النقدي حيث نهدف إلى...
USA & Canada Community of Practice Meeting
The overall objective of the meeting is to create a space for exchange for CVA actors working in the USA and Canada. Interested CVA professionals based in the USA and Canada are welcome to attend.
Thunes Special Session of the Payment Solution Seekers Group
Meeting minutes
Thunes, a global payments company, presented its strategy and products to the Payment Solution Seekers group, as part of the CALP Network's ongoing initiative to improve private-sector engagement in the payments space.
Special Session: Thunes humanitarian payment solutions working group (closed)
Session timing, 23rd April 2024 8-9.30 US-EST
The Working Group is hosted by the CALP Network and supports humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) implementing organisations to leverage the latest digital payment infrastructure, to improve the quality, quantity and impact of support. It focuses...
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in the USA: Learning and sharing together
Objective To provide a once off space that facilitates exchange and learning for the actors implementing humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in the United States. We aim to provide an environment to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of their...
فعالية أعضاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
محضر اجتماع
استضافت هذه الفعالية أعضاء CALP في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وركزت على كيفية تقدمنا جماعيًا في مجال المساعدات النقدية والقسائم. خلال الفعالية، شارك الحاضرون في...
Report Launch and Panel Discussion: Achieving Resilience by Linking Humanitarian CVA to Social Protection in MENA
Webinar recording
This event featured CALP’s recent report on the feasibility of achieving resilience by linking vulnerable populations receiving humanitarian CVA to development and social protection.
CALP Online: Core CVA skills for programme Staff – Afghanistan
Please note that this round of applications is for professionals based in Afghanistan only. Participation from women practitioners is highly encouraged.
القيادة المحلية هي ما يتطلبه الأمر لتحقيق تطور في برامج المساعدات النقدية والقسائم في السودان
Blog Post
كان لفهم الجهات المحلية الفاعلة لسياقات الأحياء المستهدفة والديناميات سريعة التغير أمرًا أساسيًا لتحقيق النجاح بتوزيع لمساعدات النقدية في السودان. ولم يكن من الممكن...
A Learning Review of Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance in Afghanistan
In 2022, Islamic Relief Worldwide implemented a multi-million emergency humanitarian project in Afghanistan supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) funded Area-based Approach for Development Emergency Initiative (ABADEI) programme.
The 13-month-long project had three main...
Scoping the Cash and Climate Landscape in East Africa and Kenya: Focusing on cash and anticipatory action
In February 2024, NORCAP’s CashCap and Climate action teams undertook a joint East Africa regional and Kenya country level scoping mission about the potential of cash in anticipatory action to climate-related shocks. The main objective was to: Analyse the needs, capacity and adequacy for the CashCap and...
Lifeline at Risk: Supporting Markets through Cash in Sudan
Members event
Lifeline at Risk: Supporting Markets through Cash in Sudan
Nearly one year into the conflict that plunged Sudan into a humanitarian catastrophe, the international community is facing the humbling realization that the response has so far failed to match the severity and scale of people’s needs. In a...
CVA, Climate and Environment Community of Practice – Anticipatory Action and Cash
Webinar recording
Anticipatory Action and CVA: Understanding and Exploring Key Concepts, Issues, Approaches, and Perspectives.
From Feasible to Life-Saving: The urgent case for cash at scale in Sudan
About 18 million people are currently facing crisis (IPC 3) or emergency (IPC 4) levels of food insecurity across Sudan. This means more than one in three people are suffering from acute hunger in the country. As the conflict rages on, food insecurity is rapidly deteriorating, and communities in many...
From Emergency to System Strengthening: WFP Caribbean cash transfer responses through social protection (2018-2023)
This document presents an overview of the World Food Programme’s efforts from 2018 to 2023 in the Caribbean, focusing on enhancing social protection systems through cash transfers in response to emergencies, highlighting key lessons learned and the path forward. This paper provides an overview of WFP...
Integrating Livelihoods Support into Emergency Assistance Programming
Guidelines and Tools
This report draws on research and learning to advocate for broader consideration of expanded humanitarian response programming, especially in situations of prolonged crises. Livelihoods programs have a crucial role to play in emergency settings, especially when combined with and aligned with cash...
Empowering Communities: Fuel vouchers to farmers during the harvest season in Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Two years on since Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine those living along the frontline oblasts face the highest levels of food insecurity. 1.8 million people are struggling to restore food production and agriculture-related livelihoods.
Repeated attacks against Ukrainian infrastructure,...
Rampant inflation and climate crisis: can cash cope? – Community perceptions of cash assistance and resilience in northeast Nigeria
Nigeria is currently experiencing its worst financial crisis in almost 30 years. Economic reforms such as the floating of the naira and the fuel subsidy’s removal have contributed to rising inflation, which reached almost 30% in February 2024. The volatile financial climate is having a real and...