المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض
المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض عبارة عن تحويلات نقدية غير مقيدة يمكن للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات استخدامها لتغطية احتياجاتهم الأساسية. بحكم طبيعتها، تعد المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض طريقة المساعدة التي توفر للناس أقصى درجة من الاختيار والمرونة والكرامة. وهناك أيضًا أدلّة متزايدة على أن تلبية الاحتياجات المتعددة أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة وفعالية من حيث التكلفة.
لكن هذا يتطلب طرقًا جديدة للتعاون بين الجهات الفاعلة في المجال الإنساني، في جميع مراحل دورة البرنامج وبين القطاعات. على الرغم من وجود أدوات قوية لدعم التعاون، إلّا أنه لم يتم تبنيها على نطاق واسع ولا تزال المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض مستخدمة بطريقة مخصصة. ولا تزال هناك تحديات يتعين مواجهتها إذا أردنا أن نلائم المساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض بنجاح في النظام الإنساني.
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Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) Decision Making Tools
Guidelines and Tools
Update: This publication was revised in 2022. Please read the revised publication here.
The purpose of this tipsheet is to accompany practitioners and decision makers through key stages in the process of calculating an MEB to: (a)
identify what is the most appropriate path to take in relation to their
particular context, identified objective, existing capacities and available
resources; and...
Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Guidelines and Tools
This operational guidance and toolkit brings together worldwide expertise on cash-based interventions (CBIs). It provides comprehensive and practical guidance for humanitarian actors to assess the feasibility, conceptualise the design and structure the implementation of MPGs. The guidance focuses on MPGs whose primary objective is to meet basic needs as defined by affected people...
Definition of Minimum Expenditure Baskets (MEB) in West Africa
Throughout 2017, five countries in West Africa have worked collectively to define minimum expenditure baskets, in order to better capture the contribution that humanitarian assistance is making to address the basic needs of affected populations, and improve the impact of assistance. This heavy process raises technical and coordination challenges. The CALP Network, with support from USAID /...
Thematic lead
Advocating for Cash and Voucher Assistance with Governments
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Discover how advocacy and collaboration with governments are vital for leveraging Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in humanitarian responses.
CWGs Leads & Co-leads Meetings
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Minutes from the Leads & Co-leads CWG meeting that took place on May 13th 2024
Harnessing the Transformative Potential of Generative AI for Humanitarian Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance Opportunities, Risks, Barriers, and Recommendations
This report, authored by Market Impact lead consultant Thomas Byrnes, explores
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Reflecting on Humanitarian Cash Response in Gaza – Insights and Key Takeaways
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Agility, Resilience through Local Capacity Investment in Humanitarian Action
Members event
This hybrid interactive panel session at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) spotlights speakers from Senegal, Ukraine, India, Tuerkiye from LNGOs, INGOs, discussing how humanitarian preparedness, learning from and investment in local capacity in community and staff skills enables...
Financial and Digital Inclusion for People on the Move, Hybrid Panel Session HNPW
Members event
Socio economic instability, conflict and the climate crisis are displacing millions of people around the world, forced to travel and cross borders in search of safety, stability, prosperity and hope. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is an enabler that opens closed doors and brings new opportunities for...
Enhancing Resilience and Restoring Agricultural Productive Capacity and Food Security through Social Protection in Indonesia – Emergency assistance for post-earthquake and tsunami recovery through cash assistance in Central Sulawesi
In 2018, a series of earthquakes struck Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi Province, which is a major agricultural production centre in the country. The earthquakes triggered a tsunami and caused landslides with considerable damage and loss of life. Damages to the agricultural sector accounted alone for 40...
Afghanistan Cash & Voucher Working Group (CVWG) Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and Setting the Transfer Value (TV) – Guidance Document
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The objective of this guideline is to provide direction to the CVA Actors in Afghanistan on the calculation of the transfer values (TVs) for sectoral responses in addition to Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) by using the MEB. This is a living document which will be amended as per the evolving context...
Route-based Programming in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mid-term report. May 2024
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HNPW Linking humanitarian assistance and social protection – common principles and country experiences
Webinar recording
More and more people are living in contexts of protracted crises, driven by conflict, climate vulnerability and socio-economic fragility, requiring new ways of working together and stronger coherence between interventions across the HDP nexus. Linking HA and SP provides a clear entry point for development...
Strengthening Cash Assistance in Ukraine: Collaborative digital solutions in action
The escalation of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, combined with harsh winter temperatures, has exacerbated living conditions for affected communities. In response, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has come together, with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society at its forefront, to deliver effective...
Linking humanitarian assistance and social protection – common principles and country experiences
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About the webinar: More and more people are living in contexts of protracted crises, driven by conflict, climate vulnerability and socio-economic fragility, requiring new ways of working together and stronger coherence between interventions across the HDP nexus. Linking HA and SP provides a clear...
Introduction to Cash Based Interventions (CBIs)
The Monitoring and Evaluation webinar series “Cash Based Interventions and information management” is a series of two live sessions addressed to M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to CBI programming and information systems and see practical examples of information management systems for CBI...
Information Systems for CBIs – Insights from the AVSI Foundation and Danish Refugee Council
Webinar recording
The Monitoring and Evaluation webinar series “Cash Based Interventions and information management” is a series of two live sessions addressed to M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to CBI programming and information systems and see practical examples of information management systems for CBI...
Cash Voucher Assistance, Social Protection and Cash Plus Programmes
In this session, we examine the linkages between CVA and social protection and Cash Plus programmes. We closely follow a Case Study by Mercy Corps that looks into impact programs that combine cash interventions with vocational trainings on violence reduction.
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Linkages to...
Cash Based Interventions – Unconditional cash transfer
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This is a database template to explore how ActivityInfo can be used for information management for a Cash Based Intervention (CBI).
The template includes forms to register beneficiaries, conduct vulnerability assessments and monthly verifications, capture indicators related to post distribution status...
Save the Children Cash for Education Impact Evaluation in Malawi
Save the Children implemented a Catch-up Club (CuC) project, funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery (SPL), in 20 schools in Lilongwe, Malawi. CuCs are a short-term, data-driven intervention to build foundational skills in literacy, numeracy and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), during learning...
Literature Review: Unconditional CVA ‘plus’ SBC for nutrition outcomes
Over the years, CVA has gained attention in social protection schemes to improve child nutrition outcomes. While much of the existing evidence comes from conditional cash transfers, recent evidence demonstrates a push for more unconditional CVA. Evidence shows that nutrition-sensitive cash assistance can...
الاستجابة النقدية الإنسانية في غزة – تبادل الخبرات والدروس المستفادة
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Thunes Special Session of the Payment Solution Seekers Group
Meeting minutes
Thunes, a global payments company, presented its strategy and products to the Payment Solution Seekers group, as part of the CALP Network's ongoing initiative to improve private-sector engagement in the payments space.