البحث عن طريق الكلمات الرئيسية
التصنيف حسب
نتائج 101 من 120 – 773
Independent evaluation of CAMEALEON
CAMEALEON is an independent initiative to provide monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning support to the World Food Programme (WFP)’s multi-purpose cash (MPC) programme for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Established in 2017, CAMEALEON’s main purpose is to bridge evidence gaps, strengthen...
Value for Money Analysis of VenEsperanza
Case Study
The VenEsperanza consortium in Colombia participated in a Value for Money analysis that evaluated financial transactions during the first years of operation of the consortium. The analysis focuses on efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the work of the consortium.
The Changing Landscape of Cash Preparedness: Lists, Risks and Relationships
What are feasible lead times to deliver CVA to recipients in the Horn of Africa? What are the barriers and enablers to ensuring a timely and high quality humanitarian response? What does it take for organizations to be effectively prepared?
Staying together: vulnerable households in Cambodia recover from the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and protect their children
A short video highlighting how cash and voucher assistance (CVA) transitioned to livelihood early recovery assistance to achieve child protection outcomes for vulnerable households affected by the secondary impacts of COVID-19 in Cambodia and already receiving case management by child protection agencies.
Delivering Better Together: Standard Operating Procedures for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
Delivering Better Together: SOPs for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance is a digital guide to all things cash and vouchers in Oxfam that can be downloaded to and accessed from a phone, tablet, or any other device. The SOPs focus on the basics of cash and vouchers, the use of it for...
Assessing Shelter and WASH conditions of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon in Relation to Cash Assistance and Services
Case Study
This second study has the two-fold objectives of producing a granular map of WASH and shelter conditions of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, as well as investigating the factors that are associated with improved WASH and shelter outcomes for refugees. More concretely, the research aims to examine the...
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune : Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’Oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune: Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires est un guide numérique sur tout ce qui concerne les transferts monétaires à Oxfam. Il peut être téléchargé et consulté sur un téléphone, une...
Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias
Guía y herramientas
“Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias” es una guía digital sobre todo lo relacionado con los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) en Oxfam, que se puede descargar y consultar en un teléfono,...
Geotargeting Analysis for Seasonal Assistance: Case study Chad
Case Study
This paper describes the methodology that was developed to address targeting gaps using remote sensing data, presents the results obtained using the methodology, and discusses the challenges in its utilisation.
خريطة طريق لاتخاذ إجراءات جماعية من أجل تعزيز دمج المُساعدات نقداً وبقسائم ضمن برمجة التصدي للعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في شمال غرب سوريا
دراسة حالة
تسلط دراسة الحالة هذه الضوء على الأهمية العملية للتنسيق بين الجهات الفاعلة في مجال المساعدات النقدية والعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي على جميع المستويات، وتبين كيف...
A roadmap for collective action to enhance the integration of cash and voucher assistance within gender-based violence programming in Northwest Syria
Case Study
This case study highlights the practical importance of coordination between CVA and GBV actors at all levels and shows how working in silos is detrimental to assisting to the fullest extent possible women and girls affected by GBV. It documents the conditions that led to the creation of a joint taskforce...
Feuille de route pour une action collective afin d’améliorer l’intégration des transferts monétaires aux programmes de lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie
Case Study
La présente étude de cas souligne l’importance pratique que revêt la coordination entre les acteurs des transferts monétaires et de la lutte contre la VBG, et ce à tous les niveaux. Elle démontre en quoi le cloisonnement des interventions empêche d’assister pleinement les femmes et les filles...
MPCA Referral Mechanism to Sectoral Services in Iraq
Guidelines and Tools
This is a harmonised and inter-agency mechanism that allows referring MPCA beneficiaries to 5 critical sectors and its activities: Agriculture, Livelihoods, Health, Protection and Shelter. The aim is to provide more holistic support and enhance the impact of MPCA to vulnerable population.
Technical brief: Key Principles and Recommendations for Inclusive Cash and Voucher Assistance in Ukraine.
Guidelines and Tools
A technical brief on inclusive cash and voucher assistance in Ukraine, developed together with the European Disability Forum. The brief is intended to provide general guidance for humanitarian agencies operating in Ukraine on how to implement Disability Inclusive CVA.
IOM Cash-based Interventions – Annual Report and Case Studies 2021
Case Study
The IOM CBI Annual Report and Case Studies 2021 highlights the increasing use of cash and voucher assistance in IOM and efforts to build capacity and knowledge on CBI within the organization. The report also features case studies from more than 30 IOM missions where CBI modalities were used to implement...
مؤشرات النتائج متعددة الأغراض والإرشادات
إرشادات وأدوات
تركز المؤشرات الواردة في هذه الوثيقة، التي طورها مسار العمل النقدي للصفقة الكبرى، على الأهداف الأساسية للمساعدات النقدية متعددة الأغراض الإنسانية، والنتائج التي...
Social Protection: An operational tool for the humanitarian, development and peace nexus – Linkages between cash-based interventions and social protection in humanitarian and non-humanitarian settings
Policy paper
This paper explores linkages between Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs) and social protection in humanitarian and nonhumanitarian settings, focusing on linkages between humanitarian aid and sustainable social protection for migrants, including communities affected by forced displacement such as IDPs and...
Leaving No One Behind: Evidence from Lebanon on How Multi-purpose Cash Beneficiaries with Different Vulnerability Profiles Spend Income and Access Services
Case Study
This study aims to generate a more in-depth and nuanced understanding of the impact of MPC assistance on Syrian refugee households with different vulnerability profiles, and explores how complementary interventions can support severely vulnerable households to meet their basic needs and address issues...
Indicateurs de résultats des transferts monétaires à usages multiples et orientations
Guides et outils
Les indicateurs de ce document, développés par le groupe de travail Transferts Monétaires du Grand Bargain, se concentrent sur les objectifs principaux des transferts d’espèces à usage multiple (TEUM), et sur les résultats auxquels le TEUM peut le plus contribuer dans un contexte donné.
Multipurpose cash outcome indicators and guidance
Guidelines and Tools
The indicators in this document, developed by the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream, focus on the primary objectives of humanitarian Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC), and the outcomes to which MPC can most strongly contribute in a given context.