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نتائج 741 من 760 – 773
Logistics and Administration Guideline for Cash Based Interventions
Guidelines and Tools
Cash-based interventions (CBIs) are increasingly included in humanitarian relief efforts as alternatives or complements to in-kind assistance. This guideline is mainly dedicated to logisticians and administrators to successfully support CBIs but also to technical departments. The objectives of this...
Delivering Cash through Cards: A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cards (magnetic stripe or smart cards). Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Richer but Resented: What do cash transfers do to social relations and does it matter?
This paper looks at how social protection cash transfers are evaluated primarily in terms of poverty reduction or human capital, with their impact on social relations being under-examined. The authors examine case studies from Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe, and argue that the impact of cash transfers on...
Delivering Cash Through Cards – A Quick Delivery Guide (booklet)
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cards (magnetic stripe or smart cards). Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips. This version...
CCT Programmes and Women’s Empowerment in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador
Latin America’s efforts to alleviate poverty have resulted in reducing poverty in twelve countries, most strikingly in Mexico and Brazil. The adoption of Cash Transfer programmes in much of the region is credited with helping to bring this reduction about. These programmes are widely promoted as a cost...
The Use of Cash Transfers in Livestock Emergencies and their Incorporation into Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS)
Guidelines and Tools
This paper reviews the use of cash transfers within the livestock sector and suggests how they can be incorporated into and support Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS). The paper’s structure reflects the stages of the LEGS Handbook as these in turn reflect good project cycle management....
Cheques: A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cheques. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Direct cash – A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money directly (‘direct cash’ or ‘cash in envelopes’). Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using direct cash. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence en milieu urbain: boîte à outils (Annexe 2)
Guides et outils
Cette boîte à outils a été rassemblée dans le cadre de la recherche “Les transferts monétaires en situation d’urgence urbaine“. Vous pouvez soit télécharger l’ensemble de la boîte à outils (fichier .zip) soit sélectionner un outil de la liste ci-dessous: Outil 1: Exemple de...
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence urbaine – Boîte à outils destinées aux praticiens
Guides et outils
Reconnaissant la croissance de la population urbaine dans le monde et leur vulnérabilité croissante aux catastrophes, le CALP Network se propose d’examiner l’état actuel et l’impact des programmes d’intervention en milieu urbain faisant appel aux transferts monétaires. Cette étude vise...
Cash and voucher in relief and recovery: Red Cross Red Crescent good practices
A two-page brief giving some examples of the Red Cross / Red Crescent movement’s experience using cash grants, vouchers, and cash-for-work in emergency response.
Evaluación de Proyectos de Medios de Vida Plan Especial Maremoto (PEM) en Sri Lanka
Cruz Roja Española tiene una amplia experiencia en los medios de subsistencia de programación, principalmente en América del Sur y Sudáfrica en los últimos veinte años. Sin embargo, los proyectos que se desarrollaron en respuesta a los efectos del tsunami del Océano Índico fuera la primera vez que...
Evaluation of Livelihoods Projects Sri Lanka Tsunami Specific Plan
Spanish Red Cross has wide experience in livelihoods programming mainly in South America and South Africa over the last twenty years. However the projects that were developed in response to the impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami were the first time that the SRC used cash grants as a modality for its...
Community Recovery Cash Grant: Responding to the shelter, food security and livelihood needs to enable early recovery of earthquake affected people in Sumatra, Indonesia
Case Study
This document gives a technical review of the activities and outstanding issues pertaining to the implementation of Oxfam’s recovery cash grant distribution in response to the 2009 earthquake in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Following the rapid assessment conducted a week after the earthquake, Oxfam has...
Evaluation of Concern’s Post Election Violence Recovery (PEVR) programme
Case Study
Concern’s Post Election Violence Recovery (PEVR) Programme was a cash transfer programme operating in areas of Kenya (Nairobi, Nyanza, and the Rift Valley) affected particularly badly by the violence that followed the announcement of the national election results in late 2007. Building on several other...
Guidelines for cash interventions in Somalia
Guidelines and Tools
These guidelines are intended for all agencies operating in Somalia to represent a common approach to cash transfer programming for food security and livelihood activities in Somalia. The guidelines outline the minimum acceptable standards for cash interventions and provide the justification for...
Cash Transfers in Emergencies: The case of Indonesia and Vietnam
Case Study
In October 2009, typhoon Ketsana brought heavy rains over Vietnam causing sudden and heavy flooding, which led to considerable loss of lives, shelters and livelihoods. Around the same time, an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale struck the island of Sumatra in Indonesia causing massive loss of...
The use of cash and vouchers in humanitarian crises: DG ECHO funding guidelines
Guidelines and Tools
A brief guide to assist programme staff in writing funding proposals for cash-based interventions. A humanitarian guidance note about cash transfer programming is also available.
Case Study: Indonesia – Sumatra 2009
On 30th September 2009 a series of earthquakes struck West Sumatra, not far from the provincial capital of Padang. 13 out of the 19 districts in West Sumatra province were affected. Between earthquakes and landslides nearly 250,000 houses were destroyed or heavily damaged. This case study examines the...
From Food Crisis to Fair Trade: Livelihoods analysis, protection and support in emergencies
This document aims to collate and analyse experiences of livelihoods programming in emergencies. It provides an overview of what livelihoods programming is and gives examples of the range of interventions that are possible in emergencies. Different types of livelihoods programmes are then described...