GBV Considerations for Women and Girls- Cash in Ukraine and the Regional Refugee Response- UNFPA 2022
Cash assistance is a modality that will be used extensively inside conflict-affected Ukraine and in the regional refugee response, where feasible and appropriate (1). Given that the large majority of Ukrainian refugees are women and children, it is critical to ensure that cash programming does not put this particularly vulnerable population at further risk.
This summary is a joint effort by the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Sub-Cluster/Working Groups and Cash Working Groups in Ukraine and the regional refugee response and it will revised periodically*. It aims to provide preliminary GBV considerations for humanitarian actors providing cash assistance to conflict-affected residents, IDPs, refugees and host communities. It also outlines key messages and hotline contacts to support cash actors in their coordination with protection counterparts.
The following points are meant to orient cash actors in the way that they mainstream GBV risk mitigation into their programming and should be further contextualized by country and zone.