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  1. الرئيسية


تستضيف شبكة CALP عبر مراكزها الإقليمية الستة فعاليات منتظمة لجمع الجهات الفاعلة من جميع أنحاء شبكتنا وخارجها، ودفع النقاش بشأن مساعدات النقد والقسائم.

جميع الفعاليات

التصنيف حسب

نتائج 261 من 280 – 323

Cash Hub Webinar 20 – Learning from COVID-19 response

Members event

Many Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NSs) have used Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Albanian Red Cross and Serbian Red Cross will share information on its responses, challenges and learning. The IFRC Cash Global Lead (Caroline Holt) will open the webinar...

21 أبريل 2021 / Online Webinar / English

HNPW 2021 – Leveraging Nexus Enablers ‘Cash & Digital’ – Building Financial Resilience Through Collaboration

Members event

Session features interactive discussions with experts in humanitarian CVA, Community Savings Groups, financial inclusion and digital scale up across the HDPN spectrum for increased shock-responsive financial resilience in vulnerable households, post-COVID April 21, 2021:
6:00 pm UTC • 9:00 pm GMT +3 •...

21 أبريل 2021 / Humanitarian Network Partnership Week 2021 A joint session by SEEP NETWORK, DREAMSTARTLABS, VISIONFUND, WVI / English

USAID logo

USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance | Modality Decision Tool Nutrition Addendum

Members event

The USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance and USAID Advancing Nutrition are hosting an upcoming webinar on the new Modality Decision Tool Nutrition Addendum. The Addendum will enable implementing partners to apply a nutrition lens to the selection of appropriate modalities (cash, vouchers or in-kind)...

15 أبريل 2021 / Online / English

Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group meeting


Regular meeting of Cash and Markets practitioners and CWG Leads in the region. The purpose of the Regional Cash Working Group in Eastern Africa is to contribute towards improving the quality of humanitarian assistance by influencing cash and voucher assistance policy and practice. Specifically, the group...

13 أبريل 2021 / Virtual / English

Adapting humanitarian cash assistance in times of Covid-19 – experiences and learning from Jordan


This webinar examined how cash and voucher actors rapidly adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan to reduce transmission risks, ensure delivery of benefits, maintain communication and accountability with refugee populations and meet increasing levels of need.  The national response to limit the spread...

12 أبريل 2021 12:00 / Join via Zoom Meeting / English

Introducción a las intervenciones en mercados de arriendo: Herramientas para el análisis y recolección de datos de precios del alojamiento

Members event

El Grupo de Alojamiento y Transporte Humanitario y el Grupo Regional de Transferencias Monetarias -R4V invitan a todos sus miembros y socios a participar en el Microtaller ” Introducción a las intervenciones en mercados de arriendo: Herramientas para el análisis y recolección de datos de precios del...

8 أبريل 2021 / Online / Español

Webinar details describing the CVA for Health Outcomes event.

CVA for Health Outcomes: Learnings from Jordan, Burkina Faso and Bangladesh


8:30 AM Burkina Faso ; 14:30 PM Bangladesh ; 9:30 AM UK; 11:30 AM Amman; 11:30 AM Addis

30 مارس 2021 0:00-10:30 / English

East and Southern Africa CWG leads and co-leads meeting


23-5 مارس 2021 10:00-14:00 / English

Cash Hub Webinar 19: Learning from COVID-19 response – The Use of Cash and Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

Members event

Since the outset of COVID-19 response many Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NS) have increased their use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). In this Webinar the Sierra Leone Red Cross and Pakistan Red Crescent Society will share information on their programmes, their challenges and learning.

17 مارس 2021 / Webinar online / English

Leaving No One Behind: Leveraging partnerships, technology and trust in cash-based interventions in the Syria response

Members event

Side event: Brussels V conference. With food insecurity reaching record levels in the region, the event will showcase cash transfers as an effective modality of assistance for refugees, displaced persons and other vulnerable populations in achieving food security and related sector outcomes. Co-Hosts: WFP...

17 مارس 2021 / Online. / English

تبسيط البيانات. تضخيم الحماية. محادثة أساسية للعاملين في مجال المساعدات النقدية والقسائم.

ندوة عبر الإنترنت

خلفية مع تزايد بُعد المساعدات الإنسانية ورقمنتها في ظل الوباء، أصبحت البيانات سلعة وسلاحًا، كيف نحمي أولئك الذين نهدف إلى مساعدتهم؟ أكثر من أي وقت مضى، يجب التعامل مع...

11 مارس 2021 14:00-15:00 / العربية

Cash Hub Webinar 18: Cash and Data Protection – The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

Members event

The webinar will focus on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) & Data Protection. As we scale up our use of CVA, collecting and processing of personal data must also increase. Considering data protection is essential for protecting the vulnerable, building trust and implementing CVA safely and at scale....

24 فبراير 2021 / Cisco Webex - 1hr webinar / English

The CALP Network Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Quarterly Meeting

Members event

This is the first TAG meeting of 2021. The TAG helps shape and steer the CALP Network’s technical and policy priorities within the overall strategic vision for the network, and is comprised of 20-30 individuals from member organisations.

24 فبراير 2021 / Online / English

Programas de Transferencias Monetarias: Retos y avances en el ámbito de la acción humanitaria


3-4 فبراير 2021 9:30-0:00 / Remote / Español

Reunión Regional para Líderes de Grupos de PTM en América Latina y el Caribe

Members event

Esta reunión ofrece un espacio estratégico para responsables de grupos de trabajo sobre programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) con el fin de intercambiar conocimientos y buenas prácticas e identificar sinergias y retos comunes para reforzar la eficacia de los PTM en el sector humanitario y del...

29 يناير 2021 / Remote / Español

Planning Meeting of the US and Canada CWG Steering Committee

Members event

The Steering Committee meets approximately every six months to develop and update the workplan for the US and Canada CWG.

21 يناير 2021 17:30 / Remote / English

State of the Worlds Cash 2020 : Quality Cash and Voucher Assistance – by Whose Standards?


Following the global launch of the State of the World Cash 2020 report (SOWC2020), the CALP Network is organizing a webinar for practitioners with an interest in CVA in East Africa. The webinar takes place on December first at 14:00 Nairobi time – register now to secure your place. The conversation...

1 ديسمبر-13 نوفمبر 2020 11:00-12:30 / English

Webinar Series – Improving our work on Minimum Expenditure Baskets


You are invited to a series of webinars focusing on the construction of quality Minimum Expenditure Baskets.

12-30 نوفمبر 2020 13:00-0:00 / Online / English

Présentation du rapport sur la situation mondiale des Transferts Monétaires dans le monde en 2020


10 نوفمبر 2020 13:00 / 13:00 GMT Online / Français

BIEP program 2020-2021 launch workshop


27-29 أكتوبر 2020 9:00-17:00 / Online / English