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نتائج 101 من 120 – 381
الصومال: تحويالت نقدية عبر Money Mobile لخدمات صحة األم والطفل
اســتخدمت منظمــة كيــر الصومــال مســاعدات النقــد والقســائم )CVA )فــي
برامجهــا ألكثــر مــن عشــر ســنوات. يشــمل ذلــك مســاعدات النقــد والقســائم
)CVA )لألمـن...
Use Of Cash Assistance To Address Maternal, Newborn And Child Health Outcomes
Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation: Somalia
Case Study
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) experts from Somalia worked closely together between May 2020 and March 2021 to better understand the potential risks for women and girls that may be created by the provision of humanitarian cash assistance. Outcomes of this joint approach...
Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Uganda
Policy paper
This policy brief presents highlights from the Uganda country case study on the social protection responses to COVID-19. The brief summarizes the key findings and sets out recommendations to strengthen the foundational social protection systems and enhance the ability of the sector to respond to future...
Brief: Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Ethiopia
Policy paper
COVID-19 and national and international measures to curb its spread, may have pushed 15 million more people below the poverty line in Ethiopia. This policy brief draws on key learnings from the Ethiopia country case study, focused on the social protection response to COVID-19 and identifies...
Towards shock-responsive social protection: lessons from the COVID-19 response in Kenya
The stringent lockdown measures and global economic slowdown, due to COVID-19, are likely to push more than 2 million people into poverty in Kenya. This study documents the Government of Kenya’s social protection response to mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic on vulnerable households and...
2020 Cash and Voucher Programming (CVP): Roadmap and milestone achieved
In 2020, World Vision has implemented cash and voucher programming like never before – not least due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related social protection transfer scale-ups. From 2019 to 2020, we have seen a 28 % increase of our cash, voucher based programming, moving towards enabling affected...
“We are all vulnerable here”: Kenya’s pandemic cash transfer program riddled with irregularities
This report is based on Human Rights Watch research in 11 of the 14 informal settlements in Nairobi county. Nairobi is among the 21 counties the Kenyan government selected, out of the country’s 47 counties, to implement cash transfers to cushion the most vulnerable households against the impact of the...
Somalia Social Protection Donor Working Group – Terms of Reference (ToR)
Guidelines and Tools
Large-scale cash and voucher transfers have long formed the basis of the humanitarian response to crises in Somalia and successfully so. While sporadic small scale cash transfer projects in the past lacked coordination and coherence, this time a great deal of effort has been expended by donors and...
The Learning Brief: Cash assistance for mitigation of gender-based violence in Somalia
In 2021, Somalia witnessed a catastrophic increase in the number of vulnerable women and girls exposed to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) risks. Natural disasters and armed conflicts resulted in multiple displacements, forced evictions, and the destruction of livelihoods, health facilities, GBV service sites...
Cash Transfers and Women’s Economic Inclusion: Experimental evidence from Zambia
Case Study
This paper investigates whether an increase in exogenous income through the Child Grants model of the Social Cash Transfer programme in Zambia fosters economic inclusion among rural women. We conceptualize economic inclusion as a transformative process comprised of four pillars: productive capacity,...
Beware of the Crocodile: Quantitative Evidence how Universal Old Age Grants distort the Social Assistance Systems of Low-Income Countries
Policy paper
This paper compares two approaches to establishing or improving social assistance systems in low and lower-middle income countries. Taking Eswatini and Lesotho as examples of the mainstream approach, it provides quantitative evidence on the social protection outcomes of social assistance systems that are...
SPACE Economics of Early Response and Resilience to COVID-19: Ethiopia
Guidelines and Tools
The 2013 and 2018 Economics of Early Response and Resilience (TEERR) studies demonstrated the significant economic gains of investing in a more proactive response to crises. The first study was funded by DFID in 2013, followed by a more in-depth analysis in 2018 with USAID in three countries – Ethiopia,...
Perception survey of aid recipients in Somalia
Before the first case of COVID-19 was officially confirmed on 16 March 2020, Somalia was in a state of emergency resulting from the worst locust infestation in 25 years. With food supplies already under threat, the infestation was exacerbated by heavy floods, which not only displaced half a million...
Mobile money enabled cash assistance: User journeys in Burundi
GSMA’s Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation programme teamed up with Ground Truth Solutions to apply a human-centred design approach to understand the user journeys of Concern Worldwide’s cash recipients in Burundi. It provides insights into how humanitarian organisations and mobile money providers can...
State of the Worlds Cash 2020 : Quality Cash and Voucher Assistance – by Whose Standards?
Following the global launch of the State of the World Cash 2020 report (SOWC2020), the CALP Network is organizing a webinar for practitioners with an interest in CVA in East Africa. The webinar takes place on December first at 14:00 Nairobi time – register now to secure your place. The conversation...
How Effective are Cash Transfers in Mitigating Shocks for Vulnerable Children? Evidence on the impact of the Lesotho Child Grant Programme on multiple deprivations
Case Study
Shocks can pressure families into negative coping strategies with significant drawbacks for children’s lives and development, particularly for children living in disadvantaged households who are at greater risk of falling into a poverty trap. This paper investigates if unconditional cash transfers can...
مساعدات النقد والقسائم للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ. التوليف والقواعد الارشادية
طورت مجموعة التعليم العالمية (GEC) في ۲۰۱۸-۲۰۱۹ التوليف والقواعد الارشادية بشأن مساعدات النقد والقسائم للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ (EiE). تم تطوير الوثيقة بدعم مالي من دائرة...
Desk-based Review on Cash and Voucher Assistance in Education in Emergencies
In 2018, the Global Education Cluster documented practices in CVA for education in emergencies (EiE). Within this framework, this Desk Review is the first part of a larger study finalized with the publication in February 2019 of the CVA for EiE Synthesis and Guidelines. The Desk Review provides the reader...
World Vision Ethiopia Staple Food Market Assessment Report (Cash and Voucher Program Implementation)
The Cash and Voucher based program intervention in Addis Ababa is in response to COVID-19 pandemic in Addis Ketema and Lideta Sub-City Administrations. The intervention supports the most vulnerable group of people impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of Markets and Vendors assessment conducted...