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شرق وجنوب أفريقيا

تدعم شبكة CALP التنسيق وتوفر التدريب والدعم الفني للأعضاء والمنظمات الأخرى التي تنفذ أو تفكر في المساعدة النقدية والقسائم في شرق وجنوب إفريقيا. يوجد المكتب الإقليمي لشبكة CALP في المجلس النرويجي للاجئين في نيروبي ، كينيا.

All news and events

نتائج 161 من 180 – 405

Somalia Cash Working Group (CWG) 3W

Guidelines and Tools

Spreadsheet for tracking activities undertaken by the Somali Cash Working Group partners


Somalia Cash Working Group (CWG) Monitoring Questionnaires

Guidelines and Tools

Baseline and Post-Distribution Monitoring questionnaires


Delivering Cash Better: Three opportunities for improved programming


3 ديسمبر 2019 8:00 / Nairobi, Kenya / English

Cash Labelling: Does influencing how a cash transfer should be used matter?


26 نوفمبر 2019 14:00 / Nairobi / English

Burundi Case Study: How can we reduce GBV risks in cash and voucher assistance?

Guidelines and Tools

Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) has become a valuable and increasingly utilized tool in humanitarian response in Burundi. CVA has been shown to contribute to the resilience of vulnerable populations, but in order to maximize its effectiveness, humanitarian actors should establish Gender Based Violence...

25 نوفمبر 2019

Assistência em Dinheiro e Cupões que Funciona para as Mulheres: 6 lições do terreno


A Assistência em Dinheiro e Cupões (CVA) é actualmente uma ferramenta comum na acção humanitária que é utilizada para fazer face, com maior dignidade, às diversas necessidades de pessoas refugiadas por motivo de crises e conflitos. Embora existam cada vez mais evidências do efeito da CVA no...

11 نوفمبر 2019

برنامج المساعدات النقدية والقسائم المناسب للنساء_النسخة العربية


Building on CARE’s commitment to be ‘cash ready’ to achieve breakthroughs with and for women and girl, CARE commissioned a study –in Malawi, Haiti, Jordan, the Philippines and Niger–on gender-sensitive CVA that allowed actual CVA recipients to frame the discussion. This is a brief from the...

8 نوفمبر 2019

Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance – 4 pages


UNHCR and WFP are implementing a joint project to identify and mitigate risks of abuse by private sector service providers in their delivery of cash assistance to vulnerable populations. The project involves work with financial service providers, traders and other private sector stakeholders, as well as...

November 2019

The humanitarian currency enabling children’s future – Inter-agency cash roundtable


This summary report highlights key presentation insights, and recommendations from the CALP Network & World Vision co-hosted inter-agency Cash Roundtable, focusing on how CVA can be an enabler to promote child protection and child wellbeing, based on most recent research, case studies from across the...

30 سبتمبر 2019

Social cash transfers, generational relations and youth poverty trajectories in rural Lesotho and Malawi


Report on an ESRC-DFID-funded three-year collaborative research project (ES/M009076/1) Social cash transfer schemes, which disburse cash to poor and/or vulnerable people, have proliferated across sub-Saharan Africa over the past two decades. There is growing evidence that these address symptoms of poverty...

1 يوليو 2019

How Cash-Based Approaches affect Nutrition Outcomes: Case Studies from World Vision cash programmes in Bangladesh and South Sudan


Case studies South Sudan & Bangladesh – analysis of how different modalities meet their basic needs with flexibility and dignity, esp. contributing to improved nutrition outcomes. Factors such as spending patterns, availability of nutritious food in markets, dietary changes & coping strategies, transfer...

June 2019

Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance in Rwanda


This document outlines lessons learned from a joint UNHCR-WFP project in Rwanda aimed at identifying and mitigating the risks of imbalance of power in cash assistance. The cash transfer mechanism reviewed during the project was a bank card, proposed to the overwhelming majority of refugees receiving cash...

March 2019

Cash Working Group Strategy Paper for South Sudan 2019-2020, 1st Edition – July 2019


The Cash Working Group Group South Sudan (hereby referred as CWG in the document) was officially established in 2015 and has been recognized as the medium for coordination, communication, information sharing, technical discussions, as well as capacity building of cash actors. This platform also provides...


Mitigating Risks of Abuse of Power in Cash Assistance – Workshop Nairobi, Kenya


UNHCR and WFP are implementing a joint project to identify and mitigate risks of abuse of power by private sector service providers in the delivery
of cash assistance to vulnerable populations. The workshop, held in Nairobi on 10-11 December 2018, followed visits to the first two pilot countries,...

December 2018

Cash for Shelter in Kenya – A Field Experience


A study of a cash for shelter project in Kalobeyei that highlights how UNHCR uses cash assistance to help the refugees to transition to more durable solutions, in this case, integration with the host community. The project presents a paradigm shift from the traditional refugee camp planning process.

December 2018

Communicating about Cash and Voucher Assistance: Workshop for Communications Staff


2 أكتوبر 2018 8:00 / English

Kenya Enhanced Market Analysis


Between May and July 2018, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) carried out an Enhanced Market Analysis (EMA) in Turkana, Marsabit, Isiolo, Baringo, Samburu, and Kitui counties, Kenya. Following the scope of work, the assessment covered five broad themes: (1) households’ access to food...

3 سبتمبر 2018

Temporary suspension of the implementation of humanitarian Cash Based Interventions (CBA) in Gedeo and West Guji zones and Mitigation Measures


Temporary suspension of the implementation of humanitarian CBIs to IDPs in West Guji settlement sites by NDRMC-led Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Bule Hora and shared through the Bule Hora coordination forums during the week of August 27, 2018. The suspension was subsequently extended to Gedeo zone,...

September 2018